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01.28.2021 Letters

Weston County is blessed
Dear Editor,

A Social Experiment

A social experiment
To the Editor:

America First

America first
To the Editor:

Academy saves lives and reinvests in Wyoming

Academy saves lives and reinvests in Wyoming
To the Editor:

End the madness

End the madness
To the Editor:

Residents need visits

Residents need visits
To the Editor:

Let’s respect each other

Let’s respect each other
To the Editor:

A Time to Heel

A Time to Heel
Many folks are dejected, ‘bout how the vote counters selected, 

Manor Living

Manor Living
To the Editor:
Let me tell you about our situation. 

Donkey's Limerick


Wake up America!

Wake up America!
To the Editor,

Flag etiquette is simple

Flag etiquette is simple
To the Editor:

Garbage pickup success

Garbage pickup success
Dear Editor,

Amazing Coverage

Amazing coverage
Dear Editor,

COVID-19 deaths are tragic

COVID-19 deaths 
are tragic
Dear Editor,


To the Editor: Root Gate
It had been quite a while, so Stretch jumped the turnstile, 

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