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Is it needed?

Don Thorson

Is it needed?
Dear Editor  
The railroad bridge has become a bridge to nowhere. It is only shortcut. It may be convenient for a few people but is the convenience worth 4 million dollars?  Granted 3.6 million are federal dollars but they are in short supply or really nonexistent.  More important is it worth $400,000 of Weston county tax money when we are constantly short on money.  These are tax dollars taken from the citizens of the county which could be used in more important projects.  Our senior center needs roof repairs.  This is a facility which is used every day by many people.  I have personally given $100,000 dollars over the past two years hoping someone else would also contribute to the cause. Our medical services always need funds.  We are looking at our ambulance service being
discontinued and the list goes on. Somebody was quoted saying its only $400,000 but that’s a lot when you don’t have it. 
— Don Thorson


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