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Start your engines — Car show, races coming to Newcastle this summer

From July 17–19, Newcastle will be bustling with activity.

City’s water saga persists — Officials working with engineers to identify solutions

In a continuation of the issues associated with total coliform positive samples being reported in the city’s water sy

Scheduling for students — School board plans to vote Feb. 12 on calendar type

Weston County School District No.

Locking up DUIs — Officer recognized for drunk driver enforcement

Anyone who drinks and drives in Newcastle is more likely to be caught when officer Jacob Esposito is on duty.

Newcastle High School Students Earn Top Honors at Northeast Regional Science Fair

NHS hosts blood drive — You never know who you might save!

Every two seconds a hospital patient needs a lifesaving blood transfusion, but with a simple poke and a few relaxing

Freemasons celebrated — Mayor signs proclamation honoring fraternity’s 150 years in Wyoming

On Dec. 16, 2024, former Newcastle mayor Pam Gualtieri signed a proclamation that designated Sunday, Dec.

StoryWalk coming to town — Resource district gets grant funding

People looking to get out and be active with their young children will soon have a story to help them keep the pace,

Money trouble — Superintendent LaCroix seeks ‘attrition plan’ amid financial challenges

Seeking to avoid a reduction in force (RIF), Weston County School District No.

Training for kindergarten transition — District offers free foundational workshops for future kindergartners

Families with learners ages 3 to 6 can learn kindergarten preparedness tips from a national program that Weston Count

Shorter school week possible — WCSD No. 1 will hold meetings to discuss a four-day week

The Weston County School District No.

More chlorination — City is addressing more positive results in water

Newcastle water customers may notice a smell or taste of chlorine in their water as the city prepares to chlorinate a

Passing the beef — Overwhelmed by beef donations, school district distributes straight to families

Christmas came early to some families this year when Weston County School District No.

Making a budget — City approves pilot program for utility bills

The first 10 city utility customers to contact the Newcastle City Office and enroll will be given the opportunity to

POY Nominees: Henry & Linda Nessul — Couple with community’s interest at heart

Henry and Linda Nessul moved to the Newcastle community in May 2020 from Virginia.

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