Closer to home from Oregon
Closer to home from Oregon
To the Editor:
I’ve just gotten your bill for next year, and as usual its renewal date, March 24, makes me happy. That’s the date (in 1913) my mother, Edith Elizabeth Butolph was born. She was the fifth in a family which eventually totaled 13, growing up in the Skull Creek area.
Besides mom’s birthday on every issue, there are also many interesting sections of the News Letter Journal that I enjoy, especially the ones of days gone by. In a 1920 section there was a mention of Charles Cattles going fishing with a buddy. That same Chuck Cattles 14 years later would marry my Aunt Merle (Clark, Griggs) a widow with six kids, including two sets of twins.
The names of relatives turn up all the time in your pages: my cousin Willis Larson, a sheriff of the county, and names of kids in school events. It makes me feel almost as if I’m living there instead of far away in Oregon.
Thank you,
— Kari A. Clark