America First
America first
To the Editor:
I am not sure where Mr. French has been the past four years, but he certainly has not been in the country I have been living in. To blithely state that Hillary Clinton accepted the results of the 2016 election is to ignore reality.
Even before Clinton blamed her loss on Russian interference and the FBI’s investigation of her missing emails, the resistance to the duly elected President was beginning.
The phony dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the Democrat National Committee was being weaponized by Democrat operatives inside the Administrative State. The DOJ, FBI, and CIA were already implementing what FBI agent Peter Strzok called their “insurance policy.” This continued as a three-year investigation into completely unsubstantiated claims that the Trump Campaign had colluded with Russia. There were even claims that President Trump was a Russian agent.
Supported by a partisan corporate media peddling false stories from anonymous sources and selective leaks and lying by Democrat members of the House Intelligence Committee, this investigation sucked the life out of the Trump presidency exactly as it was intended to do and ended ignobly with no fire, nor even any smoke.
But the resistance to the Trump Presidency continued when the House of Representatives decided to impeach the President on the flimsiest of charges, just because they could.
Again, the effort ended in failure, but the Democrats and their allies would continue their resistance into the 2020 election.
Using the cover of COVID-19 they changed election procedures in the few states that Trump had won by small margins in 2016. In order to erase those margins, they relied on dependably corrupt Democrat controlled cities in those states to do their dirty work. Even though there have been numerous documented instances of laws being broken in this process the compliant and incurious partisan media has continually told us to look the other way.
There is no doubt that the Left has won this battle, but the war is far from over. Do not expect us to go quietly into the dark night of collectivism. A new resistance now rises. We will try to be respectful, but we will not be submissive.
We will cooperate, but not in infringements on our God-given rights. I spent 25 years, many of them in foreign lands in defense of America and American values. I have always believed in America and Americans First. All of mankind will have to look somewhere else for salvation.
— LTC. Doug Jorrey, USA (Ret.)