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Gambling is theft

Leonard Lang

Gambling is theft
Dear Editor
A public note of thanks is in order to the four county commissioners who voted to prevent the expansion of gambling in our community. And a special statement of appreciation is to to the local citizens for their courage to publicly voice their opposition to this morally corrupt activity that is based on the satanic and purely sealish idea of getting something for nothing at the expense of other’s misfortune. 
I have explained in previous letters to this paper why gambling is actually a disguised form of theft. Our more noble ancestors apparently recognized this fact and for many decades, they wisely outlawed gambling as a crime. What a sad commentary on the moral degeneration of this generation which has stupidly allowed itself to be brainwashed by Satan and his human allies into believing that gaming is morally innocent. But, whether we recognize it or not, gambling is stealing and all who support, promote, or participate in it are breaking the Eighth Commandment and will be held accountable in the judgement for their co-operation in these ethically immoral transactions where valuable assets are transferred, but with nothing of real worth to society having been produced as a result. (And the same could be said about all those involved in the tobacco, abortion and alcoholic beverage rackets. Only the commandment violated would be The Sixth: Thou shalt not kill.)
In all morally legitimate business arrangements, money or other goods of value are exchanged only because one of the parties has provided to the other a product or service such as food, shelter or healthcare, etc., which are of real value in supplying the needs of humanity. But in games of chance the loser receives nothing of value in return for his “investment.” The money he could have used to provide for his own needs or the needs of others is uselessly squandered and the winners have in reality acquired stolen property which will bring upon them certain condemnation in the judgement that all will be compelled to face. The Bible says: “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” (2Corinthians 5:10)
To read this author’s essay detailing exactly why gambling is in truth a concealed type of thievery, you may find it in the Feb. 10, 2011, issue of the News Letter Journal archived at our local public library. 
For a better world,
Leonard Lang

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