GILLETTE — Those stopping by the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office may notice a new piece of equipment on display afte
SHERIDAN — Lawmakers voted down a supplemental budget amendment aimed at improving access to maternal health care ser
CHEYENNE — A bill to create a perpetual trust fund that State Treasurer Curt Meier believes could offset potential lo
JACKSON — Wyoming lawmakers have voted down a resolution demanding all federal land in the Equality State except for
POWELL (WNE) — The proposed Wyoming State Shooting Complex passed a big hurdle in the House last week, thanks in part
CHEYENNE (WNE) — Average gasoline prices in Wyoming have risen 0.8 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2.95
JACKSON — On Thursday, Wyoming lawmakers shot down a resolution demanding that the United States government hand abou
ROCK SPRINGS — On Wednesday, new U.S.
CHEYENNE — Laramie County voters have used touch-screen voting machines in their local elections for years, but a bil
LANDER — Thousands of Wyoming ranchers hold permits to graze their livestock on federal land managed by the Bureau o
CHEYENNE (WNE) — Wyoming and 21 other states have filed a lawsuit “challenging New York’s ill-disguised attempt to p