Newcastle High School junior Sam Cunningham set a goal as a sophomore to become the best he could be as a distance runner, specifically a successful cross country runner.
Preschool-aged children can get a sneak peak into their future kindergarten days at a free event that Weston County School District No. 1 will hold April 10.
Weston County School District No. 1 needs to either raise enough money to renovate the Kozisek Aquatic Center — or abandon it, Superintendent Brad LaCroix told the News Letter Journal.
Weston County Health Services’ nursing home has at last reached its break-even point financially, according to Weston County Hospital District trustee Nathan Ballard, who serves on the board’s finance committee.
The Lady Dogie hoopsters lived a rerun of their final regular season weekend as they faced off against Buffalo and Glenrock at the 3A East Regional Basketball Tournament in Glenrock.
It wasn’t the end of the season that head coach Allen Von Eye’s Dogies were shooting for at the 3A East Regional Basketball Tournament in Glenrock last weekend, but that’s how it played out.