SHERIDAN — A portion of the Elk Fire was stopped on state land “because it ran into proactive management,” Wyoming st
LANDER — Last week, somewhere along the highway over Togwotee Pass a helicopter swung down, a bucket dangling underne
Famous bear died near the site of a future crossing.
SHERIDAN — The Elk Fire, which has officially been burning for a month, is in its final stretch, according to fire of
CHEYENNE (WNE) — With the Wyoming absentee voting period underway, the state is seeing an increase in in-person early
CHEYENNE (WNE) — Average gasoline prices in Wyoming have fallen 1.8 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.1
GILLETTE — This month, Membrane Technology and Research Carbon Capture completed the construction of a carbon capture
CHEYENNE — The upcoming legislative session in 2025 could have a new feature that allows members of the public to tra
JACKSON —- The commuter who hit and killed Grizzly 399 on Tuesday night in the Snake River Canyon was aware of wildli
POWELL (WNE) —- Park County Search and Rescue volunteers helped extract two people from the wilderness in separate in
GILLETTE (WNE) — One month after it was started by lightning, the Elk Fire has burned 98,352 acres and is 82% contain
LANDER — Patricia Nelson has been cutting hair at Profiles Hair Salon in Riverton for more than 20 years.
JACKSON — The end of the Pack Trail Fire is in sight.
GILLETTE —- Gillette College is in the process of approving new language to give more direction to students and teach