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Lawmakers vote down one bill, push another back related to fire response, mitigation

SHERIDAN — A portion of the Elk Fire was stopped on state land “because it ran into proactive management,” Wyoming st

Work already begun to mitigate wildfire’s impact on watersheds, soil

LANDER — Last week, somewhere along the highway over Togwotee Pass a helicopter swung down, a bucket dangling underne

Griz 399's footsteps map future of Teton County wildlife crossings

Famous bear died near the site of a future crossing.

End of Elk Fire in sight

SHERIDAN — The Elk Fire, which has officially been burning for a month, is in its final stretch, according to fire of

Wyoming continues to see high early voting turnout for general election

CHEYENNE (WNE) — With the Wyoming absentee voting period underway, the state is seeing an increase in in-person early

Gasoline prices in Wyoming down nearly 2 cents in past week

CHEYENNE (WNE) — Average gasoline prices in Wyoming have fallen 1.8 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.1

Wyoming Freedom Caucus PAC asks judge to toss defamation case


World’s largest membrane-based carbon capture plant completed near Gillette

GILLETTE — This month, Membrane Technology and Research Carbon Capture completed the construction of a carbon capture

Lawmakers consider voting screen that will display votes in real-time

CHEYENNE — The upcoming legislative session in 2025 could have a new feature that allows members of the public to tra

Commuter swerved to avoid yearling but hit Grizzly 399, police report shows

JACKSON —- The commuter who hit and killed Grizzly 399 on Tuesday night in the Snake River Canyon was aware of wildli

Park County Search and Rescue helps extricate people from wilderness in two incidents

POWELL (WNE) —- Park County Search and Rescue volunteers helped extract two people from the wilderness in separate in

Containment of Elk Fire now at 82%

GILLETTE (WNE) — One month after it was started by lightning, the Elk Fire has burned 98,352 acres and is 82% contain

Hungry for electricity, artificial intelligence firms are knocking on Wyoming’s door


Untangling fraud, Victim, officials say false filing too easy in Wyoming

LANDER — Patricia Nelson has been cutting hair at Profiles Hair Salon in Riverton for more than 20 years.

Most structures now deemed safe from Pack Trail Fire with approaching snow

JACKSON — The end of the Pack Trail Fire is in sight.

Gillette College develops rules for student AI use

GILLETTE —- Gillette College is in the process of approving new language to give more direction to students and teach

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