What is happening?
What is happening?
To the Editor,
I grew up during World War II and remember well what a great country we were then. Dedicated citizens, we gladly accepted gas and food rationing and blackout rules. Neighbors cared for each other in every way possible.
But now, at 85, I listen to and watch the news with tears and disbelief. Why is the United States of America decaying and becoming so pathetic? According to validated news reports, Trump wants to not only stop immigration, but get rid of our Dreamers who have contributed already to our economy and potential. Also on his destruction list are the Affordable Care Act on which many citizens with health concerns depend, and the United States Postal Service on which many rural Americans depend for their food and medication, especially during
the epidemic.
And why, in our once great nation, are there those selfish and childish people who resent following the common sense of the 89% of us who want masks mandatory for the protection of our neighbors — those with serious chronic health problems, expectant mothers, the very young and the aged. Do they really believe it is their “right” to add to the burden of our health care workers and those who will grieve for the victims of this epidemic just so they could do “as they damned well pleased”?
God help us!
— Patricia Bock