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Weston County Commissioner Election: Nathan Todd

NLJ Staff

NLJ: Please tell us why you want to hold this office, and what you intend to accomplish if elected. Please be specific about your goals and objectives, so our readers can measure your progress over the course of the term. Also tell us what qualifications and characteristics you possess that will help ensure that your stated goals can be achieved. (The same question was posed to all candidates for the General Election.)

Nathan Todd 
My interest in holding this office stems from growing up in Weston County, raising my children here and helping to run a couple business ventures in the same county. I will encourage the pursuit of keeping our Weston County boards financially viable as an opportunity for our citizens to enjoy into the future.
I am a graduate of Upton High School and the University of Wyoming.  I believe in this state’s schools and the importance of our children having opportunities to thrive and hopefully find their own niche in our great state and county where we reside.  One of the factors always evident is the outward migration of our children to surrounding states and areas.  As a commissioner I will strive to help make Weston County a place where business can thrive and have an attractive place to set up roots with the goal of growing our population and enlarging our tax base. We need to be cognizant as to the taxes we impose so we don’t damage business or our lifestyles and ensure that the monies that come into the county coffers are used to prepare a better Weston County.    
Weston County has followed in suit with most of the rest of the state in the boom and bust of the energy sector. Growing from where we are, will be a tough hill to climb without positive movement in our oil fields and neighboring coal fields. We need to rely on the fact that we do have a strong agriculture community, some beautiful lands in the county for travelers to visit, and some viable businesses that we need to support as much as possible. With proper care of our county roads and close work with energy companies, we can make roads usable for all of our needs without leaving people feeling forgotten down some of our long dusty roads.  
Across the county I have met many great individuals that reside here and look forward to the opportunity to meet more of you. I hope to be a valuable asset for the citizens of the county and keep open communication at all times. I encourage people to reach out to me with suggestions, issues and concerns.
Sincerely, Nathan Todd.  


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