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Try not to be influenced


Try not to be influenced
Dear Editor
Try to not be influenced by the bogus lamentations of the entirely self-centered.They are not as “Free Market Capitalists” as they would have
you believe.
It takes very little sleuthing to discover that all of their efforts are directed to dumping any and all costs of government on somebody else.
They are experts in the art of spending a lot of your money on a variety of bogus, unnecessary weapon systems. It is, of course, prearranged that much of the excess spending gets funneled back to the senators and representatives who bought into their scheme.
Meanwhile, back at the radio microphone or the FOX cameras they will rant and rave about the cost of Social Security or fixing the interstate bridges in Minnesota. After all of that, they have the unmitigated gall to complain about the tax and spend Liberals!
 — Jerry Baird

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