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Thousands Wanted to Be Near Him, But Only 11 Followed Him

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Thousands wanted to be near Jesus, but only 11 truly followed Him. What set them apart? Discover why true discipleship requires more than just being in the crowd.
Dean Butler

Jesus' ministry drew crowds of thousands. People wanted to be near Him, to hear His words, witness His miracles, and experience His compassion. Who wouldn’t want to be close to someone who could heal the sick, raise the dead, and speak words of life? Yet, despite all the attention, when it came to truly following Him, only 11 remained. Why is that?

The crowds were often large, but many were only there for what they could get. In John 6:66, after Jesus taught some hard truths, "many of His disciples left, and would no longer walk with Him." The truth was, many were simply looking for a miracle, a sign, or a free meal. But true followers, like the 11, were not there for the benefits alone. They followed Jesus not because of what they could receive, but because of who He was. The crowd wanted His power, but the 11 wanted His heart.

Following Jesus was never promised to be easy. In fact, He warned His disciples that the road would be difficult. "Whoever does not carry their own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:27). It is easy to follow when miracles are happening and the crowds are cheering. But when Jesus faced the cross, the crowds scattered. The 11 stayed because they knew He was more than a miracle worker. They knew He was the Savior. True discipleship is not about the crowds or the excitement. It is about a personal commitment to follow Jesus no matter what.

So why was Judas not counted among the true followers, despite being one of the 12? Jesus makes it clear in John 6:70, "Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil." Judas was physically present with the other disciples, but his heart was never truly aligned with Jesus. While the 11 were committed to following Him with their lives, Judas was more concerned with his own agenda, ultimately betraying Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Jesus knew that Judas would not follow Him with a heart of faith and obedience, which is why, despite being part of the inner circle, he could not be counted among the true disciples.

Jesus was clear. Following Him requires more than just being near Him. It requires a heart committed to His will. Judas followed physically, but his actions showed his true heart, one that was not fully surrendered to Christ. Being part of the crowd is easy, but being a true disciple is a choice, a choice to follow Jesus with everything, even when the road gets tough. The 11 disciples did not just want to be near Jesus. They chose to follow Him, even to the cross.


“What I write is not for everyone, but what I write is meant for someone.”

I am the author of two books: Embracing God's Wisdom: A Journey of Faith and Reflection and Embracing God’s Wisdom: Paul’s Commands for Victorious Living. Both are available on Amazon.

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I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. (1 Timothy 1:12)

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