Thanks to people willing to volunteer on local boards
A good amount of people care about local government.
That’s what I’ve seen from spending a good amount of Tuesdays at the Park County Courthouse in Cody for commissioners meetings.
In the last few months, when there have been openings on volunteer boards where the commissioners have the authority to appoint, most of these boards have had multiple applicants for each position. For instance, last Tuesday, to fill one Park County Travel Council position vacated by Ruffin Prevost, four people applied for the volunteer position.
Commissioners wound up choosing Cody native, realtor and business owner Jake Ivanoff to fill the vacancy.
As with a recent position opening for the Yellowstone Regional Airport Board and Predator Board, it’s good to see that there’s a mix of longtime people and new people looking to be involved. Whatever you think about recent move ins to the area being on boards, it’s hard to deny that it’s a good thing to see. I know I appreciate seeing new residents who want to go out of their way and give back to a community they’re only just getting used to themselves.
And, for those who have lived here quite awhile, it’s great to see them wanting to be more involved in a community that raised them, and be willing to spend their time to make it better.
As commissioner Kelly Simone said during the discussion, local contacts are important, hence the final decision being between two longtime residents (Bruce Sauers the other), but she hoped the two new residents would stay involved and not be discouraged.
I agree, it’s great to see people step up to help Park County, regardless of how long they’ve been here. I’ve seen newcomers be dogged and eventually find local board positions and be able to support their new community.
However long they’ve been here, I want to commend all those who apply for what can often be a thankless, unpaid job, but is nevertheless an important part of keeping our community strong.