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Amid ongoing drought, local reservoirs to be drained

JACKSON — Despite a predominantly cold, wet spring, the Snake River basin remains in a drought, and federal water man

Wyoming Wildlife Task Force recommends splitting white-tailed, mule deer licenses

SHERIDAN — The Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources committee is consideri

Partnership of Rawlins, Laramie hospitals a drastic response to drastic situation

LARAMIE — Memorial Hospital of Carbon County has announced a partnership with Ivinson Memorial Hospital in Laramie to

Deadline nears for property tax refund

CASPER — Wyomingites have until June 6 to apply for a partial property tax refund for 2021.

Still time to file

Anyone interested in running for office during the 2022 election season has another five days to file with the Weston

Stomach illnesses increasing in state

CASPER  (WNE) — Wyoming health officials have seen an uptick in the number of stomach-related illnesses in the state.

Precinct of 1 voter: Laramie County now has 2 such districts

CHEYENNE (WNE) — As of early May, two precincts in Laramie County had only one registered voter in them. 

Artist blends the stone age with the 21st century

ROCK SPRINGS — During the prehistoric cultural age, which was about three million years ago, people used sharpened bo

Retracing a soldier’s steps: Documentary follows life of WWII POW from Rock Springs

CASPER — A few years ago, Mark Pedri and Carrie McCarthy visited Rock Springs to spend Thanksgiving with Pedri’s fami

Gillette man’s 23-foot guitar statue finds home in Sturgis

GILLETTE — Wilson Restrepo may never have to buy another beer in Sturgis, South Dakota.

State naming board shoots down ‘Mount Jackson Pollock’


Park County denies ballot hand-count proposal


Governor urges Wyoming residents to take advantage of property tax refund opportunity

LYMAN (WNE) — Governor Mark Gordon is reminding Wyoming homeowners they may qualify for a partial property tax refund

Wyoming likely home to oldest mine on continent

CASPER— Researchers from the University of Wyoming and Wyoming State Archeologists Office have confirmed that humans

Mineta was ‘pure joy’; leaves legacy at Heart Mountain

CODY — During World War II on a desolate sagebrush bench near Heart Mountain, two boys – one an internee and the othe

WIC expands benefit options to combat baby formula shortage in Wyoming

JACKSON — Faced with a baby formula shortage stemming from a national recall and supply chain disruptions, the Wyomin

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