SHERIDAN — A Wyoming Department of Education initiative changing the way teachers are educated and trained could be c
CODY— Protecting paths used by big game across private lands is the focus of a federal pilot project announced Friday
CASPER — Lander school board members voted last week to remove sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy and mar
CHEYENNE (WNE) — If you like to buy coats and other clothes at discounted prices and don't want to have to driv
State parks to recognize 'Every Kid in a Park' program
LARAMIE — As a prolonged Western drought hits new historic levels almost daily, a team of University of Wyoming scien
JACKSON — Despite a predominantly cold, wet spring, the Snake River basin remains in a drought, and federal water man
SHERIDAN — The Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources committee is consideri
LARAMIE — Memorial Hospital of Carbon County has announced a partnership with Ivinson Memorial Hospital in Laramie to
CASPER — Wyomingites have until June 6 to apply for a partial property tax refund for 2021.
Anyone interested in running for office during the 2022 election season has another five days to file with the Weston
CASPER (WNE) — Wyoming health officials have seen an uptick in the number of stomach-related illnesses in the state.
CHEYENNE (WNE) — As of early May, two precincts in Laramie County had only one registered voter in them.
ROCK SPRINGS — During the prehistoric cultural age, which was about three million years ago, people used sharpened bo
CASPER — A few years ago, Mark Pedri and Carrie McCarthy visited Rock Springs to spend Thanksgiving with Pedri’s fami
GILLETTE — Wilson Restrepo may never have to buy another beer in Sturgis, South Dakota.