During its regularly scheduled meeting on Sept.
The Newcastle Police Department is once again without a chief after the official termination last week of the recentl
The Newcastle High School student government is excited to start the school year strong and aims to improve student i
The public is invited to attend a Rare Element Resources open house in Upton on Oct.
The Newcastle City Council has decided to turn three lots on Salem Avenue into a pump track for bikes after Par Pacif
The Weston County Health Services Board of Directors and the hospital’s CEO have been seeking ways to improve hospita
The Newcastle City Council is “working through its contract” with UBC Precast of Blackfoot, Idaho, after the company
Cambria Heights owner Don Taylor wants to know how he came to be issued a citation by the city for an incident that o
In a statement released midday on Monday, Oct.
The resignation of Newcastle High School Ag teacher and FFA advisor Jill Pischke sent shock waves through the communi
The first concert in the 2023-24 Weston County Concert Association’s series is just around the corner with Empire Tri
Connie James’ childhood dream was to be a veterinarian.
“My goal is to continue learning and to challenge myself as far as application is concerned.”
Weston County unemployment increased slightly from July to August, from 2.1% to 2.2%, according to the Sept.
When Newcastle schools went back into session last month, some of the students enjoyed the special privilege of being
GILLETTE (WNE) — “You have not reached 911. You have reached Londen,” the voicemail begins.