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Tax solar wind and solar energy

Don Thorson

To the Editor:

Does any one remember, some 10 or 15 years ago, when the wind and solar energy plans were being formulated, that some of us thought there should be some form of tax structure for these industries, and the majority thought was that the companies would go elsewhere? Would it be handy to have some sort of a tax structure in place now?

We are suddenly being inundated by projects for which services whose labor will be subsidized by our energy industry. Our energy is an accident of geology and geography of where our state is located, and we are entitled to take advantage of the situation.

We have foreign companies involved in three major projects which will only generate a few jobs in the state, with only a minimal tax return to the state. The wind companies should pay a resource tax comparable to what mineral companies have paid for more than 100 years.

This situation could be remedied by passing a business tax for the state. The critics of taxes say that the state has plenty of money, but have they talked to any commissioners and council persons who are complaining about having too much money for their county, with the exception of those from Converse, Campbell, or Jackson?

Wyoming is subsidizing every new job in the state with funds from our mineral industry.


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