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Sharing Faith Without Confusion

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Dean Butler

When believers share their faith with others, they often use terms and phrases that may seem unfamiliar or confusing to those they are witnessing to. These expressions, steeped in biblical teachings and Christian traditions, are second nature to those who follow Christ. However, for those outside the faith, these words can create a barrier to understanding. Let's explore some of these terms, providing clarity on their meanings and significance in the lives of believers.

1. Born Again: This phrase signifies a profound spiritual rebirth, as described in John 3:3. It marks a transformation where an individual accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, leaving their old life of sin behind to start anew in Christ.

2. Salvation: At the heart of Christian belief, salvation refers to being saved from the consequences of sin through faith in Jesus Christ. It is seen as a gift from God, offering eternal life and a restored relationship with Him (Ephesians 2:8-9).

3. Grace: Grace is the unmerited favor and love that God bestows upon humanity. It is through grace that believers receive forgiveness and salvation, not by their own works but by the generous gift of God (Titus 2:11).

4. Sanctification: This is the ongoing process of being made holy, growing in righteousness and Christ-likeness. It involves the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life, shaping them to reflect God’s character (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

5. Justification: A legal term that means being declared righteous in the sight of God. Through faith in Jesus Christ, believers are justified, meaning their sins are forgiven, and they are seen as righteous because of Christ’s sacrifice (Romans 5:1).

6. Redeemed: Redemption refers to being bought back or saved from sin and its consequences through the blood of Jesus Christ. Believers are redeemed and brought into a right relationship with God (Ephesians 1:7).

7. Gospel: The term "gospel" means "good news" and encompasses the message of Jesus Christ—His life, death, resurrection, and the salvation He offers to all who believe (Mark 1:15).

8. Trinity: This doctrine describes the nature of God as three distinct persons—Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit—yet one God. It is a foundational belief that expresses the complexity and unity of God (Matthew 28:19).

9. Fellowship: More than just social interaction, fellowship among believers involves a deep, spiritual connection. It includes worship, mutual support, and sharing in the life of Christ together (Acts 2:42).

10. Witnessing: Witnessing involves sharing one’s personal experience of faith and the message of Jesus Christ with others. It’s an act of evangelism, inviting others to experience the transformative power of the Gospel (Acts 1:8).

11. Quiet Time: This is a personal time set aside for prayer, Bible reading, and meditation on God’s Word. It’s a daily practice for many believers to grow closer to God and seek His guidance (Psalm 46:10).

12. Spiritual Warfare: This concept describes the battle between good (God and His angels) and evil (Satan and his demons). Believers are called to stand firm in their faith and use spiritual tools, such as prayer and scripture, to combat evil influences (Ephesians 6:12).

13. Fruit of the Spirit: These are qualities produced in the life of a believer by the Holy Spirit, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

14. Born of the Spirit: Refers to the spiritual rebirth and transformation that occurs when someone becomes a Christian, as the Holy Spirit gives new life and guides them (John 3:5-6).

15. Walk in the Spirit: This means living in accordance with the guidance and influence of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to direct one’s actions and decisions (Galatians 5:16).

16. Covenant: A solemn agreement between God and His people, often involving promises and commitments. The Bible describes several covenants, including the covenant with Abraham and the New Covenant through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 8:6).

17. Anointed: Being chosen and empowered by God for a specific purpose or task. This term is often used to describe Jesus as the Anointed One, or Messiah, and believers who are set apart for God’s work (Luke 4:18).

18. Body of Christ: This phrase refers to all believers collectively, representing the church as a unified entity with Christ as the head. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of believers (1 Corinthians 12:27).

19. Laying on of Hands: A practice where believers place their hands on someone while praying for them, often associated with healing, blessing, or imparting the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17).

Understanding these terms can help bridge the gap between believers and non-believers, fostering better communication and comprehension. As believers share their faith, being mindful of these terms and offering clear explanations can make the message of the Gospel more accessible to all.

Fifty years ago, I committed my life to serving the Lord. I hold an associate degree in Christian Education and a bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling.  I live by 1 Corinthians 9:16, Ephesians 3:7-8, and Colossians 1:28-29. In my retirement, I focus on study and sharing the teachings of God’s Word with others. Besides writing this Blog I maintain 3 Facebook pages dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Email:

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