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Postponing was best option


Postponing was best option
Dear Editor:
On behalf of the All-School-Reunion Committee, we would like to respond, clarify, and answer some questions from the letter by Mr. Bob Graham that was published a couple of weeks ago.
First, to clarify, the All-School-Reunion that was originally scheduled for July 3, 4, and 5, 2020, is not cancelled as Mr. Graham stated, it is postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We both were in agreement that a decision needed to be made no later than the end of April for the sake of those traveling, and, in addition, those who were taking vacation time for this event. Due to Public Health and the governor’s orders of large crowds not being allowed, we made the very difficult and agonizing decision to postpone. We felt this was best for health reasons and the current economic situation of many who planned to attend.  We all anticipated a fun time catching up with so many classmates and looked forward to contribute in stimulating the economy in Newcastle with a large number of people coming. We did not simply post on social media and make a decision off of 30 comments, we did post a poll asking for votes in which 364 people voted with 312 voting to postpone to 2021 and 52 to keep it in 2020. We also received multiple personal messages and phone calls requesting us to postpone. In addition to the Facebook poll, (because we realize not all alumni has social media) the News Letter Journal published an article after interviewing us both several weeks prior to the postponement advising all interested parties that we were in the process of making this decision and were asking for input.  
We have been holding “public meetings” throughout the last year and have requested class representatives to attend and many have if at all possible. We have also included in our invitations to the meetings local restaurant owners, local law enforcement, food vendors, Weston County Fairgrounds manager, Newcastle High School FBLA and FFA members, 4-H clubs, city council members, Mayor Deb Piana, church youth groups, and the Newcastle Area Chamber of Commerce director. We feel our meetings have been well attended and we have received a great deal of positive input. We also mailed out 90 letters to area businesses asking for their support in making this reunion successful.
We feel it is important for all to understand that the previous committee had worked extremely hard for many years in order for the reunion to take place. They approached us and advised they would like to “retire” from their role in this event and asked for the next generation to take charge. We agreed to do so because we did not want to see the reunion come to an end.  We are both very excited to keep this event going and to continue with providing a scholarship to a Newcastle High School graduating senior each year.  We encourage anyone who has an interest to get involved and represent your class, and also give us your suggestions.  We will continue to take the next year to make it even bigger and better and we look forward to seeing all of Newcastle’s alumni and their families in July 2021.
--Tracy (Walker) Olson
--Jennifer (Williams) Smith

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