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Pay for absences will continue

Mark Williams

To the Editor:

First, I want to thank Commissioner Don Taylor for using logic to address the issue of being paid for absence at work and not legalese.

When any person stands up outside of the “norm” they almost always stand alone. Most Americans are well aware that some laws are written with a slanted view or a novel slant on right and wrong. Brandi Monger, Wyoming deputy attorney general, does offer an explanation of the existing rules/laws that govern county commissioners. Not a ruling, mind you, but an

Had the Weston County Commissioners agreed to mount a resolution challenging the current status of pay, and agreed that missed meetings are missed work and therefore subject to a deduction of pay, it is possible that Weston County could have made a statement to the remaining 20 counties in Wyoming that it is fair and reasonable to suffer the deduction. It is not surprising that this issue of full pay will remain status quo and soon be brushed under the rug.

Monger’s explanation allows for a “sanctuary city” scenario for all commissioners in Wyoming. If I understand her correctly, there is no regulation dealing with absenteeism.

An election is coming up. If you are happy with the current roster, then cast your vote accordingly. Let’s not go backwards though. If seems we have a recycle problem in America where certain politicians/good ol’ boys continue to appear in office or find their way back into office.

If ever there was a time to care about who governs you nationally, on the state level, and here at home, it is now. Like it or not, we are part of the problem when all we manage to do is stand on the sidelines and complain about the officiating in the game.

Here is a thought, Newcastle has
operated with three county
commissioners before. Something to think about.


— Mark Williams

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