Part 1 Paul’s Story: From Persecutor to Apostle

The story of my transformation is one of the most significant moments in my life, and it’s recorded in Acts 9:1-19. Before I became known as Paul, I was Saul of Tarsus, a fervent Pharisee determined to eradicate the followers of Jesus. I believed I was doing God's work, zealously hunting down Christians, imprisoning them, and even approving of their executions.
As I traveled to Damascus with letters from the high priest to arrest more followers of the Way, I never imagined my life was about to change forever. Suddenly, a brilliant light enveloped me, brighter than the midday sun. I fell to the ground, blinded by its intensity. In that moment of darkness, I heard a voice call out to me, saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" Confused and shaken, I asked, "Who are You, Lord?"
The answer shook me to my core: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting." Those words pierced through my heart, shattering my understanding of righteousness and leading me to confront the reality of my actions. I had been attacking the very one I thought I was serving. This encounter, as recorded in Acts 9:3-6, was more than just a vision; it was a divine revelation that turned my world upside down.
For three days, I was blind and unable to eat or drink. During that time, I was forced to reflect deeply on my life, my choices, and my faith. I realized that I had been misguided, believing that my zealous actions were in service of God. I remembered the prophecy of Isaiah, "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so that they would not see with their eyes and perceive with their heart" (Isaiah 6:10). This was my moment of awakening.
God had a plan for me, and He wasn’t finished with me yet. As I sat in darkness, waiting for what would come next, the Lord spoke to a disciple named Ananias. He instructed him to come to me, and I knew I would receive the healing I so desperately needed.
When Ananias arrived, I could feel the tension in the air. He laid his hands on me and said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." As he spoke those words, something like scales fell from my eyes, and I could see again.
In that moment, I understood that God’s grace is boundless, able to reach even the most unlikely of candidates. I was transformed, not just in sight but in spirit. My heart, once filled with hatred and violence, was now ablaze with a new purpose: to preach the Gospel of Christ to the Gentiles and to bear witness to the truth of His resurrection.
I learned that no one is beyond the reach of God's grace, and that moment set me on a path to become an apostle, sharing the message of hope and redemption. My life became a testimony that God can transform even the hardest of hearts. As I later wrote in my letters, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
After that life-changing moment with Ananias, I was baptized (Acts 9:18), marking my commitment to follow Jesus. In the days that followed, I sought out the disciples in Damascus, eager to share my story my encounter with Christ. I preached boldly in the synagogues, declaring that Jesus is the Son of God. The very people who had once feared my name were now amazed at my message. I spent time in prayer and reflection, deepening my understanding of the Scriptures, and I quickly learned that my zealousness could now be channeled toward spreading the good news of Christ rather than persecution. This newfound purpose ignited a fire in my heart, driving me to travel far and wide, enduring hardships and trials for the sake of the Gospel. As I journeyed, I realized that the same God who had redeemed me now called me to be an ambassador of His grace, sharing hope and salvation with everyone I encountered.
“What I write is not for everyone, but what I write is meant for someone.”
If you have any comments, questions, or testimonies to share, I would love to hear from you! Please reach out at:
I am the author of two books: Embracing God's Wisdom: A Journey of Faith and Reflection and Embracing God’s Wisdom: Paul’s Commands for Victorious Living. Both are available on Amazon.