Throughout the Gospels, we s
Two previous columns on the origins of the Electoral College have sparked questions from discerning readers across th
If there’s any segment of our society that should be most concerned about young people leaving Wyoming after high sch
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers.
I have the Powell Middle School and Parkside Elementary School phone numbers saved on my phone.
The recent repaving of South Highway 89 and Broadway has opened the community’s eyes to our vulnerabilities in road r
For years, I’ve written countless articles on the benefits that youth sports tourism has on the local economy.
Homecoming week is almost over.
“As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable fr
The question of why good thi
In physics, darkness doesn’t have a definition other than being is simply the absence of light.
This is a good question, and one that I think we can too easily brush off as an irrelevant topic, or shy away from be
Last weekend, my friends and I went on a runaway weekend vaca to Ft.
Sometimes it’s odd what we remember.
In John 15:5, Jesus says,
In Galatians 1:15, Paul expr