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The City of Newcastle, Wyoming is in the process of obtaining Statements of Qualifications from qualified architectural/engineering firms detailing the firms’ qualifications, technical expertise, management and staffing capabilities, references, and related prior experience. Required professional services will include but are not limited to preliminary engineering services, design- and construction-related services, preparation of bidding and contract documents, permitting, participation in the evaluation of bids received, and monitoring and inspection of construction activities to ensure compliance with plans and specifications associated for City of Newcastle Wastewater Stormwater Master Plan and W. Railroad St. Water Improvement Project, consisting of reviewing and planning projects in the wastewater collection and treatment systems, and stormwater collection systems.  Also, installation of approximately 650 linear feet of water main, also including hydrants, valves, fittings, pavement restoration and other incidental items. This project is preliminarily estimated at $925,000, ± $200,000.

Procurement of said services will be in accordance with elements of the procurement process in 40 U.S.C. § 1101-1104. Qualified firms/candidates interested in being considered for this project must submit three (3) copies each of: (1) letter of interest; (2) statement of qualifications and experience of staff persons who will be involved with the project; (3) references; and (4) related prior experience. Submit the requested information to City of Newcastle, 10 W. Warwick Street, Newcastle, WY 82701 no later than 2:00 p.m. on February 26, 2025, to receive consideration.  There will be interviews with the professional firms March 5, 2025, at starting at 4:30 pm. and a final determination March 18, 2025.    

Attention is directed to the fact that the proposed project(s) may be undertaken with a variety of Federal and state funds, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the regulations issued by such agencies and the State of Wyoming pertaining thereto.

The City of Newcastle shall evaluate the statements of qualifications and performance data and other material submitted by interested firms and select a minimum of three firms which, in their opinion, are best qualified to perform the desired services. Interviews with each firm selected shall be conducted, which may include discussions regarding anticipated concepts and proposed methods of approach. The City of Newcastle shall rank, in order of preference, professional firms deemed to be the most highly qualified to provide the services required and shall commence a scope of services and price negotiations with the highest qualified professional firm for engineering services.

Greg Stumpff, Public Works Supervisor City of Newcastle


(Publish February 6, 13 and 20, 2025)


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