PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that David and Rae Dell Waller requested a variance with the City of Newcastle Board of Adjustment. Mr. and Mrs. Waller requests a variance to install a chain-link fence within the front and side yard of Lot 8, Block 5 of the Roby Addition addressed as 424 Grove Avenue, Newcastle, Wyoming. The location is a M-H Zoning District.
ALSO TAKE NOTICE that a hearing on the requested variance will occur on February 13, 2025 at 6:00 p.m., or soon thereafter, in front of the City of Newcastle, Wyoming Board of Adjustment at the City of Newcastle, Wyoming Council Chambers, located at 10 W. Warwick, Newcastle, Wyoming 82701.
DATED this 16th day of January, 2025.
City of Newcastle
10 W. Warwick
Newcastle, Wyoming 82701
(Publish January 23, 2025)