Mayor Tyrel Owens called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council members John Butts, Daren Downs, Chirs Kenney, Ann McColley, and Thomas Voss. Also present were Attorney Dublin Hughes, Police Chief Derek Thompson, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty. Councilman Don Steveson was absent.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Owens amended the agenda to add Backyard Park, a request and elected official visit under Committee/Council member reports. Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ann McColley moved; Daren Downs seconded to approve the minutes of the regular meeting and executive session of Monday, January 6, 2025. MOTION CARRIED.
CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION: Saleen Rumore with Twirlwind Dance Studio for her dedication to the Youth of Newcastle and their performance of The Nutcracker.
• Merritt Pederson with the Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department was present to give the results of their recent election: Chief, James Curren; Assistant Chief, Merritt Pederson; Secretary, Benjamin Foote; Treasurer, Paul Eitel. Thomas Voss moved; Chris Kenney seconded to certify the election results. MOTION CARRIED.
• Erin Darlington-Witcher with the Newcastle Natural Resource District was present to update the Council on the Story Walk project. She has received $10,000 in funding and has given a project application to Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff for the Story Walk to be at Centennial Park rather than the Back Yard Park.
• Tony Shucraft was present to express his concerns about the water rates.
OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Voss referenced a mirror that he had inquired about at the last meeting. He would like to see a traffic mirror placed on Winthrop Street. Public Works Supervisor Stumpff stated that they already have a mirror to put at this location.
Councilman Kenney reported that he had attended a Newcastle Recreation board meeting, the board meets the second Monday of each month, he stated that the board seems to be restructuring but heading in a good direction.
Mayor Owens stated that he would like the Parks committee to meet to discuss the possibility of a water park, there may be funds at the state level. He then referenced economic development stating that he believes Newcastle needs more events, attractions, and industrial businesses as well as the revitalization of Main Street. Mayor Owens then referenced the Back Yard Park, stating that Bent Sprockets had inquired about the funds from the Refinery; those funds are still earmarked for the Back Yard Park project; he also reported that the Bent Sprockets are working with American Ramp Company for this project. Mayor Owens made a request to order business cards. Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to approve this request. Mayor Owens abstained; Councilman Downs was opposed. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Owens reported that he met Trinity Lewis from Representative Harriet Hageman’s office and discussed economic development.
• Police Chief Derek Thompson reported on calls of service since January 7, 2025; NPD 142, WCSO 91, UPD 14, NVFD 7, WCFP 0, UVFD 2, Newcastle Ambulance (report not available), and Upton Ambulance 1. Chief Thompson reported that the Police Committee had discussed contracting with a marketing firm to recruit new employees, he plans to meet with Sagebrush Marketing.
• Attorney Dublin Hughes had no report. Councilman Voss asked if there was an update on the judgement against UBC Precast. Attorney Hughes stated that he had been contacted by other attorneys that had also filed judgements against UBC Precast.
• Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty reported that the Clerk’s office had been made aware that the budget billing software would not work for customers that are on ACH billing; five customers have signed up for the budget billing program. She asked if the Council would like to proceed with the program; consensus was to proceed. Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty then stated that she had emailed audit documents and reminded the Council of the Audit Presentation scheduled for February 3, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. Councilman Voss inquired about a line item on the revenue reports that reflected more revenue than expected in the General Fund, Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty will look at this line item and let the Council know what the revenue is from.
• Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff requested to apply for a variance with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality for a section of sewer line on the 2025 Improvement project to allow a thinner pipe that would give more deflection and save approximately $5,000, the pressure test would still be with the required psi. Chris Kenney moved; Thomas Voss seconded to approve this request. Councilman Butts inquired about the price difference. MOTION CARRIED.Supervisor Stumpff then requested to attend the Wyoming Funding Summit for grant writing to be held April 14th to 17th. Ann McColley moved; Thomas Voss seconded to approve this request. Councilman Voss asked if anyone else should attend this training as well; Police Chief Thompson stated that he also planned to send Carrie Peterson. Ann McColley amended her motion to allow both Greg Stumpff and Carrie Peterson to attend the training. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Stumpff stated that he would be in Cheyenne, February 4th - 6th to attend the State Land and Investment Board meeting regarding funds for Landfill #1 and 2025 Improvement projects. He then reported that the leak at the intersection of Birch and Carter had been fixed, they are still working on a leak by the intersection of Stampede and Main. Resident Tony Shucraft requested information about the previously mentioned grant writing class.
CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to pay the claims against the City dated January 21, 2025. MOTION CARRIED.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Daren Downs moved; Ann McColley seconded to suspend the rules and enter executive session referencing personnel per W.S. 16-4-405 (a)(ii) at 7:50 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Members moved to executive session chambers. John Butts moved; Ann McColley seconded to exit executive session at 8:22 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Members moved back to the Council Chambers. Council President Thomas Voss brought the council back into regular session at 8:25 p.m. to discuss the dismissal of Officer Moran. John Butts moved; Ann McColley seconded to dismiss Officer Moran from employment with the City of Newcastle. MOTION CARRIED..
ADJOURNMENT: Thomas Voss moved; Daren Downs seconded to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council at 8:25 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Claims: Advanced Drug Testing, services, $31.20; Ameri-Tech, supplies, $581.67; AT&T, PD phones, $485.21; Black Hills Energy, services, $11,808.55; DN Doors, remotes, $515.00; Culligan, bottled water, $34.75; Eastern Wy. Equip. Co., supplies, $5,181.56; Farnsworth Services, portable sanitation, $250.00; Insight Vision, services/parts, $6,072.80; Marco, IT/copier, $7,853.03; Mountain Plains Audiology, services, $35.00; NVFD, travel/training/supplies, $1,896.32; Newman Traffic Signs, supplies, $95.84; News Letter Journal, PD ads, $210.00; Northwest Pipe Fittings, supplies, $570.00; One Call, services, $30.00; Powder River Energy, services, $1,225.03; Range, PD phone/internet, $363.96; Rapid Delivery, services, $23.40; Sagebrush Marketing, website, $150.00; Short Stop, fuel, $1,010.04; Smith Psychological, evaluation, $400.00; Valli, services, $145.53; Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; Volunteers of America, 1st/2nd qtr. distribution, $5,000; Woody’s, supplies, $97.26; Wy. Machinery, repairs, $904.00; Wy. State Fireman’s Assoc., annual dues, $75.00.
Mayor: Tyrel Owens
Clerk/Treasurer: Stacy Haggerty
(Publish January 30, 2025)