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Mayor Tyrel Owens called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council members John Butts, Daren Downs, Chris Kenney, Ann McColley, Thomas Voss and Don Steveson. Also present were Attorney Dublin Hughes, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, Police Chief Derek Thompson and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty.

APROVAL OF AGENDA: Ann McColley moved; Chris Kenney seconded to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chris Kenney moved; Don Steveson seconded to approve the minutes of the regular meeting and executive session of Monday, February 3, 2025. MOTION CARRIED.


NOMINATION FOR RECOGNITION: The Womack family for their volunteer work on the bridge at Centennial Park this past summer.



• Pittman Electric submitted a request to add apprentice electrician, Alden John Jill to their current license. Don Steveson moved; Chris Kenney seconded to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED.

• Harry Roberts submitted a letter for forgiveness of his water bill in the amount of $50.00. Thomas Voss moved; John Butts seconded to approve this request. Discussion was had regarding the water portion of this request, since the water went through the meter. Thomas Voss withdrew his previous motion. Thomas Voss moved; seconded John Butts to approve the sewer portion of Mr. Roberts bill in the amount of $22.51. MOTION CARRIED.   



PUBLIC HEARING AS ADVERTISED 7:35 P.M.: Annexation request by Patricia Farnsworth Allen. Engineer Chuck Bartlett was present and referenced the packet provided to the Council, the property was described as the Dollar General Addition, currently the Farnsworth & Kaiser Drilling Company Quonset at 2629 W. Main. Thomas Voss moved, John Butts seconded, during discussion Mayor Owens read the petition of annexation by Patricia Farnsworth Allen. MOTION CARRIED. An ordinance will need to be passed before the annexation is finalized, certified letters had previously been sent out to adjacent landowners.

COMMITTEE/COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS: Mayor Owens reported that he had gone to a proposed public meeting regarding the drag races event, which had been cancelled. Ms. Gualtieri was present and updated the Council on the event scheduled for July 16-20, 2025. She plans to have a better blueprint available and report back to the Council at the March 3, 2025, meeting. Mayor Owens then referenced the Planning and Zoning board and encouraged council members to consider sitting on the board if an opening comes available, he also encouraged council members to consider sitting on the Newcastle Recreation board. Mayor Owens stated that the Farmers Market is looking for a new location and suggested a Main Street location. Thomas Voss moved, Ann McColley seconded for the Farmers Market to meet with the parks or streets committee. Discussion was had clarifying that the streets committee was the appropriate committee to meet. MOTION CARRIED.. Councilman Steveson referenced ordinance 12-2 regarding open fires stating that some of the language should be changed, a fire committee meeting will be scheduled.


• Stacy Haggerty referenced a proposal from Marco for councilmember email addresses in the amount of $24.00 per month. Thomas Voss moved; seconded Ann McColley accept the proposal. Mayor Owens asked for a roll call raised hand vote, those in favor were Chirs Kenney, Thomas Voss, Don Steveson, Tyrel Owens, Ann McColley and Daren Downs, John Butts was opposed. MOTION CARRIED. She then stated that she has the Service Provider request letters ready to mail out and asked the Council if they wished to invite the service providers to the budget workshop again this year; consensus was yes.

• Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff requested a $0.50/hr. raise for Hunter Taylor for his CDL. Ann McColley moved; Thomas Voss seconded to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Stumpff reported on the Gray Blvd. leak which has left one (1) customer without water; due to concrete around the pipe and cold weather repair of the leak may take a week to complete. He then stated that he had received an agreement from WYDOT for mill and overlay on S. Summit and Cedar Ave. The project’s estimated cost is $399,600.00; funding would be a loan in 2027. He requested approval of this agreement pending full review by himself and Attorney Hughes. Daren Downs moved; Ann McColley seconded to approve this request. Motion carried. Mr. Stumpff requested to add $150,000.00 to the escrow account for Landfill #1 remediation project, funds will be replaced by funds from the SRF loan. Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to approve this request. Concerns about replacement funds being available were discussed; Mr. Stumpff stated that the loan had already been approved. MOTION CARRIED. Both 2025 Improvement project and Landfill #1 Remediation project loans were approved with 25% principal forgiveness and percentage rates remaining the same. Supervisor Stumpff referenced a grant application for the Hwy 16 Pathway project; the project total is estimated at $958,440.02; City’s grant match would be 9.51%, $40,296.00 of donations have already been received, leaving an estimated balance of $50,951.65. Thomas Voss moved; Chris Kenney seconded to draft a resolution for this project. MOTION CARRIED. He then reported engineers are working on the EPA requirements for the Level 2 Assessment.  A streets committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss the Farmer’s Market and snow removal. Councilman Voss inquired about chlorination; a report should be available in March.   

• Police Chief Derek Thompson reported on calls of service since February 4, 2025; NPD 139, WCSO 111, UPD 8, NVFD 5, WCFP 3, UVFD 1, Newcastle Ambulance 18, and Upton Ambulance 7. Chief Thompson stated that he continues to explore marketing companies to help entice qualified applicants. He has had a couple messages from individuals interested in peace officer and community service officer positions. Chief Thompson informed the Council that he had received a MOU from Volunteers of American Northern Rockies; he will get some clarification before bringing the MOU back to the Council. He then stated that policies from Daigle Law Group have been completed, and he plans to start implementing them. A police committee meeting was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on February 25, 2025. Councilman Voss inquired about the dog; the dog has been certified and is working; being new he has had to go back to the trainer a couple of times.

• Attorney Dublin Hughes referenced an updated bond schedule for the municipal court. Ann McColley moved; Don Steveson seconded to adopt the updated bond schedule. Chief Thompson inquired about the traffic portion of the bond schedule, the new jake brake ordinance and a typo regarding waste matter. Ann McColley rescinded her previous motion. Discussion about tabling the matter was had. Chief Thompson inquired about approving the schedule with amendments; Attorney Hughes stated that the schedule can be changed at any time. Ann McColley moved; Don Steveson seconded to approve the municipal court bond schedule. MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Hughes referred to a draft of the dog ordinance and a draft of an employee disclaimer for the Council to review. Councilman Voss inquired about the differences in policies for the police department and the personnel policies. Cathy Longland expressed her concerns about quieting animal noises.

A report on a parks committee meeting was given. They had met with Jeremy Dedic and Justin Steber of the Bent Sprockets. Thanking Par Pacific for their donation was discussed, possibly purchasing a sign that additional doners could be added to. They also discussed working with American Ramp for the design of the park with a down payment of $45,000.00. Mayor Owens reported that with volunteer work and the lots donated by the City there is about $250,000.00 that can be used as match funds for this project. John Butts moved; Chris Kenney seconded to hire American Ramp for the designs work and begin use the grant funds and start implementing the project. Mayor Owens clarified this motion was to move the project forward and use the grant funds. MOTION CARRIED. Ann McColley moved; John Butts seconded, to purchase a vinyl sign for the Backyard Park. Discussion was had regarding design and price. Ann McColley amended her motion to include design and cost approval; John Butts seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Thomas Voss moved; John Butts seconded to pay the claims against the City dated February 18, 2025. Mayor Owens abstained. MOTION CARRIED.

ADJOURNMENT: Thomas Voss moved; Chris Kenney seconded to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council at 8:35 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Claims: Aced Embroidery, embroidery/apparel, $1,092.00; Ad-Pro, supplies, $65.42; Advance Communications, supplies, $28.00; Advanced Drug Testing, services, $31.20; Ameri-Tech Equip., pump, $3,534.97; American Engineering Testing, Landfill #2 testing, $10,106.78; Black Hills Energy, services, $10,533.47; Cambria Supply, supplies, $730.96; Culligan, bottled water, $20.85; Dana Kepner, supplies, $336.04; Desert Mountain, ice cutter, $6,429.49; Eastern Wy. Equip., parts/supplies, $7,097.91; Energy Lab., analysis, $152.00; Engineering Associates, services, $50,644.98; Farnsworth Services, portable sanitation, $1,450.00; FD Const. & Pest, services, $155.00; Gateway Travel, fuel/supplies, $6,347.15; Laboratory Corp., DOT/Bund, $196.80; LInkTech, PD IT, $1,394.80; Marco, IT/copier fees, $9321.53; Minuteman, services, $77.99; Municipal Emergency Services, jack repair, $234.33; National Vol. Fire Council, annual membership, $984.00; Newcastle Ace Hardware, supplies, $343.80; Newcastle Area Chamber of Commerce, 1St & 2nd qtr. distribution, $2,500.00; Newcastle Equip., repairs, $594.45; NVFD, reimburse/training/awards/supplies, $2,144.21; News Letter Journal, legals/ads/supplies, $1,646.00; Tyrel Owens, reimburse computer, $199.00; Peleton Interactive, subscription, $528.00; Powder River Energy, services, $1,445.85; Range, phone/internet, $1,136.16; Rick’s Electric, repairs, $1,088.47; Salt Creek Water Dist., services, $555.00; Short Stop, fuel, $1,327.43; Greg Stumpff, reimburse supplies, $40.65; TAPCO Safe Travels, supplies, $1,342.09; Hunter Taylor, reimburse CDL license, $47.25; Valli, monthly maintenance, $100.31; Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; WC Health Services, testing, $544.00; WC Road & Bridge, fuel, $242.57; WC Treasurer, airport expenses, $869.30; WC Clerk, election expenses, $9,622.69; WC Solid Waste Dist. tipping fees, $11,234.30; Woody’s, supplies, $21.86, Wy. Dept. of Transportation, visitor center lease annual, $117.00.



Mayor Tyrel Owens

Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty


(Publish February 27, 2025)


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