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Mayor Pam Gualtieri called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Council members Don Steveson, Ann McColley, Daren Downs, Tyrel Owens, John Butts, and Tom Voss. Also present were, City Attorney Dublin Hughes, Police Chief Derek Thompson, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Owens requested to add, a board committee report under Committee Reports. Ann McColley moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Monday, September 16, 2024. MOTION CARRIED.


• Kevin Fulk was present to express concerns about jake-breaks being used in town and the need for risers on paved streets. Police Chief Thompson and Attorney Hughes will look into ordinances regarding jake-breaks, the need for risers is on the project list.

• Jennifer Smith was present to discuss the all-school reunion scheduled for next summer and requested a change in start time from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on July 5, 2025. She requested relaxation of the open container law from 10:00 a.m. on July 5, 2025, to 2:00 a.m. on July 6, 2025. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED.

• Bruce Perkins was present to request a 24-hour catering permit for the WC Health Services Banquet to be held at the WC Event Center on November 9, 2024. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve this request.  MOTION CARRIED.

• Dick and Bonnie Rich were present to thank the Council, Police Department, and Public Works for their support of the Shine & Show.



• Mayor Gualtieri presented a Certificate of Recognition to Chad Krause with the Bureau of Land Management for updates to the BLM building.  Councilwoman McColley would like to recognize Ann Hansen for the updates to her apartments at the next meeting.

• Attorney Hughes stated that the Ambulance Service Agreement does need to be sent to the Attorney General’s office for approval. Mayor Gualtieri stated that ($103,050.00) should be ($103,500.00) in section 2. Don Steveson moved, seconded Tom Voss to accept the EMS service agreement with the edit and send it to the Attorney General’s office. MOTION CARRIED.

• Supervisor Greg Stumpff stated that he had not heard back from DEQ about the garbage truck. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to table this discussion until the next meeting. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Gualtieri referred to the Wyoming Community Gas project distribution of $6,006.69. Discussion was had regarding what project to put these funds towards. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to table the discussion until the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Owens reported on a Chamber of Commerce meeting that he had attended, stating that Jenny Proffer is working to get things on track and has been able to staff the chamber with a volunteer.


• Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff referenced the nondiscrimination policy inquiring about who the Council would wish to be designated as the Non-Discrimination Coordinator. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to designate, the Clerk/Treasurer as the Non-Discrimination Coordinator. Discussion was had.  MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Stumpff referenced the Lead Copper Rule, stating that letters would need to be sent to customers whose lines could not be identified. He then referenced the Water Master Plan executive summary stating that he would provide the full report if anyone wanted it. He reported that the Pathway project plans are 90% complete with the project estimated to cost $958,440.02. A Cemetery Committee meeting was requested to discuss a monument application and a Water/Sewer Committee meeting was requested for a project on E. Wentworth. Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff requested to hire Mike Felsted for a full-time position starting at $18.00/hr. with one year probation effective October 8, 2024. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Don Steveson to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED.

• Police Chief Derek Thompson reported on calls of service since September 16, 2024: NPD 233, WCSO 168, UPD 20, NVFD 19, WCFP 10, UVFD 10, Newcastle Ambulance 41, and Upton Ambulance 7. Chief Thompson requested that Kerri Peterson be hired as an administrative assistant, starting at $17.00/hr. with one year probation effective October 21, 2024. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. He then requested to make a conditional offer to Zachary Jenkins for a police officer position starting at $21.07/hr. with one-year probation pending background checks and physical. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. Chief Thompson then stated that he is looking into a new phone system as the current one is outdated, the new system should save money over time. A Police Committee meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

• Attorney Dublin Hughes requested leave to update personnel and police department policies. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve this request. Discussion was had.  MOTION CARRIED.

• City Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty referenced the audit engagement letter with Ketel Thorstenson. Don Steveson moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to sign the engagement letter. Motion carried. She then requested to hire Rachelle Lacross for the deputy clerk/treasurer position starting at $17.00/hr. with one year probation effective October 9, 2024. Don Steveson moved, seconded Tom Voss, to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED.

CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY:  Tom Voss moved, seconded Don Steveson to pay the claims against the City dated October 7, 2024.  MOTION CARRIED.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Don Steveson to suspend the rules and enter into executive session referencing personnel per W.S. 16-4-405 (a)(ii) at 8:20 p.m.  MOTION CARRIED. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to return to regular session at 9:34 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. No action was taken, coming out of this executive session. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council. The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.

Claims: A2B CDL, training, $13,500.00; Ad-Pro, supplies, $127.55; Advanced Communications, case, $25.00; American Engineering Testing, services, $610.50; Black Hills Energy, services, $256.66; Bobcat of Gillette, parts, $108.96; Bomgaars, supplies, $430.79; Cambria Supply, supplies, $498.70; City of Newcastle, wa/sw/ga, $940.94; Contractors Supply, supplies, $54.06; Core & Main, parts, $1,404.80; Decker’s, supplies, $24.17; Douglas Dumbrill, municipal judge/mileage, $1,091.00; Eastern Wy. Equip., parts/supplies, $2,977.28; Energy Labs., services, $270.00; Engineering Assoc., services, $33,593.27; Landon Engle, deposit refund, $100.00; Farnsworth Services, portable sanitation, $625.00; FD Const. & Pest, services, $155.00; First Northern Bank, lease payments, $4,305.30; Gateway Travel Center, fuel, $4,487.66; Hot Iron, Duff Ave., $181,777.83; Hot Iron, retainage, $12,476.14; Hughes Law, attorney fees, $4,500.00; LGLP, Bau/deductible, $800.00; Marco, plotter/copier/IT, $1,136.26; Mastercard, fuel/training/postage/supplies, $7,284.67; Newcastle Ace Hardware, parts/supplies, $1,625.05; Newcastle Equip., supplies/repairs, $3,094.75; Newman Traffic Signs, signs/supplies, $350.66; News Letter Journal, ads/legals/supplies, $1,967.93; Northwest Pipe Fittings, parts, $1,072.04; One Call of Wy., services, $80.25; Powder River Energy, services, $1,035.33; Range, phone/internet, $888.64; Rick’s Electric, services, $1,963.37; Sagebrush Marketing, website, $150.00; Salt Creek Water Dist., sewer services, $555.00; Sherwin-Williams, paint, $1,088.18; Bryand Streeter, airport wages, $1,333.33; Austin Summerville, deposit refund, $54.35; Sundance Extinquisher, services, $465.00; Lucky Tiegen-Grummons, FD cleanng, 300.00; Transource, supplies, $403.16; Truegreen, lawncare, $132.00; USA BlueBook, supplies, $3,253.02, Verizon, PW cell phones, $474.91; Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; Steve Wentworth, deposit refund, $38.20; Wesco, deposit refund, $13.57; WC Road & Bridge, FD fuel, $273.44; WC Treasurer, airport expenses/taxes, $5,924.70; WC Weed & Pest, services, $270.46; Wilson Plumbing, services, $150.00; Woody’s, supplies, $46.07; Wy. Dept. of Transportation, fleet license plates, $690.00



Mayor Pam Gualtieri


Stacy Haggerty


(Publish October 17, 2024)

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