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Mayor Pam Gualtieri called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council members Don Steveson, Ann McColley, Daren Downs, Tyrel Owens, Tom Voss, and John Butts. Also present were, City Attorney Dublin Hughes, Police Chief Derek Thompson, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Gualtieri amended the agenda to add Recognition under New Business, Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to approve the amended agenda. MOTION CARRIED.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Don Steveson moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve the minutes of the regular meeting Monday, November 4, 2024. MOTION CARRIED.

CITIZEN’S BUSINESS VERBAL: Scott McGuire with the Newcastle Ice Association was present to request the Council’s support for the upcoming season. Skate park equipment will be moved after Thanksgiving.



• Mayor Gualtieri referenced the Pilot program for levelized/budget billing. Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty had contacted Black Mountain and the current software can offer this billing option. A water/sewer committee meeting will be scheduled.

• Mayor Gualtieri read Resolution No. 9, Series, 2024 which heading reads: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE INCREASE OF CITY WATER SERVICE, SEWER, AND GARBAGE RATES PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-33 AND 26-19 OF ARTICLE 3, CHAPTER 26, AND SECTION 13-9 OF ARTICLE 2, CHAPTER 13, OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. Don Steveson moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to pass resolution No. 9, Series 2024. Discussion was had. MOTION CARRIED.


• Mayor Gualtieri read a proclamation, proclaiming November 30, 2024, Small Business Saturday.

• Mayor Gualtieri requested to add Recogntions back on to the agenda above Citizen’s Business Verbal. Tom Voss moved, seconded John Butts to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. She then recognized the VFW for the new mural on the side of their building. She also recognized Genelle Rothleutner for being named the 2024 Dispatcher of the Year and the City of Newcastle, Town of Upton and Weston County Consolidated Dispatch Center for being awarded the 2024 Team of the Year by the Wyoming APCO.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Tyrel Owens reported on a Tree Board meeting stating that Bernie Terry and Sharon Gross had recently resigned. Tom Voss moved, seconded Don Steveson to allow up to $200 to advertise the vacancies. Discussion was had. MOTION CARRIED.


• Police Chief Derek Thompson reported on calls of service since November 5, 2024, NPD 125, WCSO 99, UPD 3, NVFD 5, WCFP 10, UVFD 5, Newcastle Ambulance 21, and Upton Ambulance 4. Councilman Downs inquired about a Newcastle police vehicle being near Four Corners, the vehicle is being used for dog training and will be going between Sundance and Gillette until training is completed.

• Attorney Dublin Hughes referenced ordinances that he provided the Council regarding jake brakess. Tyrel Owens moved, to adopt the propose ordinances of Cheyenne and Casper. The motion died for lack of a second. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded John Butts to have Attorney Hughes draft a compression brake ordinances similar to those used by Cheyenne and Capser. MOTION CARRIED.

• Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty reported that Marco Technologies installed new equipment last week and are continuing to work on IT support. She then requested to close the City Hall office on November 29, 2024, office staff will use vacation or comp time. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Don Steveson to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty then reported that Chamber Director Jenny Proffer had requested to have a link for the Chamber put on the City of Newcastle website. Tom Voss moved, seconded Ann McColley to approve this request. Discussion was had. MOTION CARRIED.

• Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff reported that a stop work order had been put on the Duff Ave. project while they are waiting on the lift station. He then stated that since the first 2025 Improvements Project public meeting had not been advertised correctly another one is scheduled for November 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. He then stated that Public Works along with the Police Department plan to implement the Chapter 56 permit, beginning November 24, 2024.   

CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY:  Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to pay the claims against the City dated November 18, 2024. MOTION CARRIED.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Tom Voss moved, seconded Ann McColley to suspend the rules and enter into executive session referencing personnel per W.S. 16-4-405 (a)(ii) at 7:47 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to return to regular session at 7:54 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Don Steveson moved, seconded Daren Downs to eliminate the landfill operator and attendant positions and give notice to Gideon Dixon. MOTION CARRIED. Tom Voss moved, seconded Ann McColley to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Claims: Aced Embroidery, PW embroidery work, $2,668.00; Ad-Pro, supplies, $8.95; American Solutions for Business, checks, $281.60; Black Hills Energy, services, $11,848.19; BN doors, service FD doors, $6,263.00; Cambria Supply, supplies, $932.88; Cambell Co. EMS, services, $26,458.34; Croell, concrete, $765.00; Culligan, water, $27.80; Deckers, supplies, $127.25; Eastern Wy. Equip. Co., supplies, $5,292.17; Energy Lab., analysis, $2,646.00; Engineering Assoc., services, $16,120.31; Farnsworth Services, portable sanitation, $250.00; FD Const. & Pest., control, $155.00; Ferguson, supplies, $20,200.00; Gateway Travel, fuel, $5,910.03; Grady & Lori Kilgore, deposit refund, $100.00; Lab. Corp., testing, $98.40; LinkTech, PD IT support, $1,394.80; Marco, IT/copier lease, $1,613.93; Minuteman, service, $105.99; Municipal Energy Services, supplies, $86.35; Newcastle Ace Hardware, supplies, $1,339.74, News Letter Journal, supplies/legals/ads, $1,669.64; Northern Safety, supplies, $822.62; Northwest Pipe Fittings, supplies, $1,255.13; One Call, servies, $43.50, Postmaster, postage, $584.00; Powder River Energy, services, $971.06; Range, phone/internet, $484.28; Sagebrush Marketing, website, $150.00; Short Stop, fuel, $1,534.53; Skaggs, supplies, $1,885.10; Greg Stumpff, reimburse postage, $38.72; Summit Plumbing, services, $323.54; Valli, maintenance, $101.91; Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; Wesco, deposit refund, $13.57; WC Road & Bridge, fuel, $191.52; WC Treasurer, airport expenses/handling charge, $4,027.10; WYDOT Financial, P6 citation, $147.63; WY First Aid & Safety, supplies, $79.92; WY Sec. of State, notary, $60.00



Mayor Pam Gualtieri


Stacy Haggerty


(Publish November 28, 2024)

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