Mayor Tyrel Owens called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council members John Butts, Daren Downs, Chris Kenney, Ann McColley, Thomas Voss and Don Steveson. Also present were Attorney Dublin Hughes, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, Police Chief Derek Thompson and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ann McColley moved; Chris Kenney seconded to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Monday, February 18, 2025. MOTION CARRIED.
CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION: The Womack family for their work on the bridge at Centennial Park this past summer.
• Pam Gualtieri was not present to update the council on the Classic Summer Drags event.
• Ashley Tupper was present to discuss the use of Field 2 for the Newcastle Youth Softball Association and discussed an MOU with the City of Newcastle. The Council will review the MOU and discuss it at the next meeting.
• Duke Ottema with the Veteran’s memorial committee was present to update the council on the progress of the memorial. Mayor Owens referenced a $5,000.00 donation that had been made for Heritage Park, since the park has been put on hold the donor would like the money to go to a worthy cause. John Butts moved; Daren Downs seconded to donate the $5,000.00 to the Veteran’s memorial. MOTION CARRIED.
PUBLIC HEARING: as advertised at 7:30 p.m. to renew liquor licenses.
Retail Licenses:
• Retail liquor license #1; Perkins Tavern, LLC d/b/a: Perkins Tavern; Lot 6, Block 10, Original Townsite.
• Retail liquor license #2; Short Stop #1, LLC, d/b/a. Short Stop Fuel Mart, A tract of land in the NESW of Section 30, T45N, R61W of the 6th PM Weston County (Full description available).
• Retail liquor license #3, Deckers Foods Center of Newcastle, Inc., d/b/a Smoke Shop Liquors. A tract of land being a portion of Quarter Horse Addition, Zoned C-1.
• Retail Liquor License #4, Cap & Bottle, LLC, d/b/a Cap N Bottle; Lots 10 & 11 Cannon Subdivision of Lot 20 Block T, County Clerk Addition, Zoned C-1
• Retail liquor license #5, B&D Holding Newcastle, LLC; d/b/a Decker’s Wine & Spirits; Commercial C-1, a portion of Lots 1&2, all of Lot 3 Block 2 and a portion of Block 3, Home Builders Addition.
• Retail liquor license #6, Mini Mart, Inc., d/b/a Loaf N Jug #167; A portion of Block 3, of the replat of homebuilders Addition #1, Newcastle, Weston County, Wyoming.
• Retail liquor license #7, BW Gas & Convenience Retail, LLC, d/b/a Yesway #1182, Lots 1-2 and parts of lots 3-5, Block 9, Original Town of Newcastle, Weston County, Wyoming.
• Retail liquor license #8, Maverik, Inc., d/b/a Maverik #458; Weston County Parcel #4561292301800/Zoned Commercial.
Bar & Grill Licenses:
• Bar & Grill license #1, Isabella’s LLC, d/b/a Isabella’s.
• Bar & Grill #2, Newcastle Lodge & Convention Center, LLC d/b/a Grazer’s Burgers & Beer.
Club Licenses:
• Club liquor license #1, Newcastle Country Club, d/b/a Newcastle Country Club.
Restaurant License:
• Frida’s House Mexican Food, LLC, d/b/a Frida’s House Mexican Food, LLC.
Thomas Voss moved; Daren Downs seconded to approve the liquor licenses as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
• Julie Whetsell submitted a letter of resignation from the Weston County Travel Commission Board.
• Upton Clerk Kelley Millar submitted a request for the signature of an updated WC Travel Commission Joint Powers Board agreement. Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to sign the agreement. MOTION CARRIED. Bruce Perkins was present to update the Council on the Travel Commission.
• Lind Hunt submitted a letter and petition regarding the unpaved streets in Gray Addition. Public Works Supervisor Stumpff will get estimates on clean rock.
• Attorney Dublin Hughes referenced the resignation of Ms. Whetsell from the WC Travel Commission, stating that the City should appoint someone to fill her position. Ann McColley moved; John Butts to advertise for this position. MOTION CARRIED.Attorney Hughes requested to add an employee disclaimer into the personnel policies handbook. Thomas Voss moved; John Butts seconded to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. He then referenced the dog ordinance that was discussed at the previous meeting, he will do more research to find the right language for the ordinance.
• Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty reported that she had received the new employee insurance rates from WEBT for the next fiscal year. More discussion will be had during budget preparations. She referenced the budget outline, stating that the Budget Workshop is scheduled for April 14, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Ms. Haggerty then reported that she had included governmental email information in each council member’s packets for this meeting. Councilman Voss inquired about interest on the escrow payment to DEQ for Landfill #1 remediation; no interest will be earned, and the money will be used quickly.
• Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff referenced the Level 2 assessment stating that chlorination is necessary, an emergency mineral royalties grant may be available for this project. He requested the passage of Resolution No. 3, Series 2025 to apply for the grant in the amount of $772,014.20 for the construction of the chlorination system. Thomas Voss moved, seconded Chris Kenney to pass Resolution No. 3 Series 2025. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Stumpff then reported that the 2025 Improvement Project bid documents have been sent to OSLI for approval; statement of intent has been submitted for the Hwy. 16 pathway project; WyDOT had been contacted regarding the sign for jake brakes and the traffic mirror. Mr. Stumpff reported that the leak on Gray Blvd. was an extensive project including the replacement of 40’ of pipe. He then reported that he had been in contact with Black Hills Energy about EV charging station rebates, electricians have been contacted for their recommendations. Councilman Thomas Voss inquired about an invoice from Core & Main for a 4” water meter for $3,600.00. Mayor Owens referenced a citizen complaint about a hole in the sidewalk by Antler’s; Supervisor Stumpff will discuss the issue with the building owner.
• Police Chief Derek Thompson reported on calls of service from February 19, 2025; NPD 126, WCSO 153, UPD 3, NVFD 4, WCFP 1, UVFD 3, Newcastle Ambulance 19, and Upton Ambulance 4, Dispatch in person contacts 93. Chief
Thompson reported that the roof was leaking in his office, contractors have been contacted for estimates. He then referenced a
marketing proposal from the News Letter Journal for $5,000.00, he requested to use funds from his salaries budget for this marketing campaign. Ann McColley moved, seconded Thomas Voss to approve this request. Discussion was had about the benefits of this approach. MOTION CARRIED. Chief Thomson stated that he would like new graphics for the some of the police department vehicles with input from the community for the design. Chief Thompson plans to implement an internship/apprenticeship program. Councilman Kenney inquired fixing the light at the end of the ramp outside, it will be replaced by an electrician. He then stated that he plans to swear in a reserve officer at the next meeting and requested a rate of $25.00/hr. for reserve officers. Ann McColley moved; Thomas Voss seconded to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED.
CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Thomas Voss moved; Ann McColley seconded to pay the claims against the City dated March 3, 2025. MOTION CARRIED.
ADJOURNMENT: Thomas Voss moved; seconded to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council at 9:02 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Claims: Aced Embroidery, services/supplies, $120.00; AdPro, supplies, $20.89; Advanced Communications, supplies, $56.00; Advanced Drug Testing, testing, $62.40; Ameri-Tech Equip., parts, $868.09; AT&T Mobility, PD cell phones, $485.21; Black Hills Energy, services, $3,137.39; Black Hills Plumbing, HVAC services, $310.50, Blue to Gold, PD training, $845.00; Bomgaars, supplies, $1,627.63; Campbell Co. EMS, services, $8,625.00; City of Newcastle, wa/sw/ga, $349.20; Core & Main, meter, $3,631.67; Crook County Family Violence, 3rd qtr. distribution, $1,250.00; Dana Kepner, software, $8,755.00; Dolan
Consulting Group, registration, $125.00; Douglas Dumbrill, municipal judge/mileage, $1,091.00; Robert Dunseth, deposit refund, $37.47; Energy Labs., services, $1,965.00; First Northern Bank, lease payments, $4,305.30; Fisher Sand & Gravel, j-base, $304.40; Marlie Foster, deposit refund, $41.31; Jacki Hubbard, CPR/AED/1st aid training, $100.00; Hughes Law, attorney fees, $4,500.00; Lasyk-Kustoms, services, $1,435.00; Marco, plotter/IT, $2,713.52; Mastercard, supplies/fuel/training, $6,420.42; Newcastle Chamber, 3rd qtr. distribution, $1,250.00; Newcastle Recreation, 3rd qtr. distribution, $9,500.00; NVFD, reimburse yrs. of service, $100.00; One Call of Wy., CDC code CON/membership, $82.75; Salt Creek Vet., services, $150.00; Doil & Ellen Scott, deposit refund, $85.90; Bryand Streeter, airport wages, $1,333.33; Stryker Sales, electrode kit/battery, $1,104.00; Terri Talley; deposit refund, $200.00; Lucky Teigen-Grummons, FD cleaning, $300.00; Scot Thomson, reimburse/CDL skill test, $174.50; Verizon, PW/FD cell phones, $505.65; Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; Volker’s, windshield, $345.00; Volunteers of America, 3rd qtr.
distribution, $2,500.00; WAMCAT, memberships, $225.00; WC Humane Society, 3rd qtr. distribution, $4,500.00; WC Senior Center, 3rd qtr. distribution, $7,500.00; Wilson Plumbing, services, $463.00; Wy. DEQ, landfill #1 escrow, $150,000.00; Wy. Home Services, 3rd qtr.
distribution, $2,000.00
Mayor Tyrel Owens
Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty
(Publish March 13, 2025)