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Monday, April 15, 2024


Mayor Pam Gualtieri called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Council members Don Steveson, Ann McColley, Daren Downs, John Butts, Tom Voss and Tyrel Owens. Also present were, City Attorney Dublin Hughes, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Tyrel Owens requested to amend the agenda to add Upton EMS under new business. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Monday, April 1, 2024, and the special meeting of Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Motion carried.


  1. County Commissioner Ed Wagoner was present to request signatures for a consensus funding resolution to be used for solid waste. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve the resolution. Motion carried.
  2. Members of the Newcastle Recreation Board were to discuss their annual funding request.
  3. Billy Jackson and Scott McGuire with the Newcastle Ice Association were present to update the Council on the past season. They requested permission to leave their storage container at the park, Public Works Supervisor did not see an issue for this year.


  1. Weston County Museum District submitted a letter requesting sewer averaging. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to approve this request. Motion carried.
  2. Cap N Bottle submitted a request for a 24-hour catering permit from 9:00 a.m., May 4, 2024, to 9:00 a.m., May 5, 2024, for the Wild Turkey Federation Banquet to be held at the Weston County Senior Center. Tom Voss moved, seconded Don Steveson to approve this request. Motion carried.


  1. A certificate of recognition was given to Eileen Vickers for her generous donation towards the pickleball court.
  2. The Black Hills Energy franchise agreement was discussed. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to table the discussion till the next meeting. Discussion was had. Motion carried. Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty will invite Black Hills Energy to the next Council meeting.
  3. The Joint Dispatch Powers Board lease agreement. Tabled as the joint board needs more time to review.
  4. Attorney Hughes stated that he had been informed properties belonging to Greg Hoskins with UBC Precast have prior leans. He does not currently believe there is a reason to move forward with certifying the judgment. Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty will contact the LGLP to inquire about coverages for the loss.


  1. Mayor Gualtieri read a proclamation, proclaiming April 29, 2024, as Arbor Day in the City of Newcastle. Councilman Owen gave some updates on the Tree Bard.
  2. Councilman Owen referenced the Upton EMS workshop held in October of 2023. Upton has been providing reimbursement for EMT classes to help individuals become certified. Discussion was had regarding an EMS district. Mayor Gualtieri will email County Clerk Becky Hadlock to add Councilman Owens to their next agenda to discuss putting an EMS district on the ballot.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Owens reported on the water/sewer committee meeting. They had discussed water sales outside city limits. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Don Steveson to allow Attorney Huges to draft an ordinance about outside-city limits water sales. Discussion was had. Motion carried. Attorney Hughes will attend the next committee meeting. The committee also discussed a cast iron main located near the Hi-16 on the intended use plan and changes to chapter 26 of the ordinances along with the 7th Ave. and Duff Ave. projects.


  1. Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty stated that she has continued to work on the budget and reminded the Council of the next workshop to be held on April 29, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
  2. Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff requested approval to advertise for bids on a CAT 307.5 mini excavator or approved equal, bid opening May 15, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. and bid awarded on May 20, 2024. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded, Don Steveson to open the mini hydraulic excavator up for bid. Motion carried. Other topics of discussion were; garbage cans long paths between Stampeded Street and the port of entry, the RV dump station, and the South Summit retaining wall.
  3. In Police Chief Derek Thompson's absence Mayor Gualtieri presented quotes for body cams and tasers. The body cams would be $25,920.80, the current body cams are older and no longer work properly. Current tasers are also outdated, Seven (7) new tasers would be $30,450.00 and not invoiced until July 1, 2024, with yearly payments available. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to purchase the body cams and tasers with the yearly payments starting after July 1, 2024. Motion carried.   
  4. City Attorney Dublin Hughes referenced the memorandum of understanding with Bent Sprockets. A parks committee meeting will be scheduled. Jeremy Dedic also talked about events the group has planned.

CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to pay the claims against the City dated April 15, 2024. Discussion was had regarding ammunition charges. Motion carried. Tom Voss moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Claims: American Business Software, maintenance, $69.00; AT&T Mobility, PD cell phones, $485.10; Big Horn Tire, service, $8,206.89; Black Hills Energy, services, $1,379.42; Cambria Supply, supplies, $702.57; City of Newcastle, wa/sw/ga, $280.73; Civic Plus, support, $262.50; Decker’s, supplies, $92.07; Eastern Wy. Equip., parts/supplies, $2,789.58; Energy Lab., analysis, $185.00; Engineering Assoc., services, $19,252.69; Farnsworth Services, hauling services/portable sanitation, $3,200.00; First Northern Bank, PD vehicles, $2,180.06; Fisher, gravel, $907.00; Gateway Travel, fuel/project work, $8,270.99; Knecht Home Center, supplies, $412.79; LinkTech, IT support, $3,900.00; Marco, copier/plotter lease, $603.09; Mile High Shooting, supplies, $352.34; Minuteman, service, $83.99; Newcastle Equip., filter, $83.00; NVFD, meeting/reimbursement, $273.47; News Letter Journal, legals/ads/supplies, $1,351.02; Northwest Pipe, supplies, $1,366.00; One Call of Wy., services, $54.00; Powder River Energy, services, $1,413.44; PowerPlan, scraper parts, $162.25; Range, phone/internet, $1,878.20; Holly Rogers, deposit refund, $100.00; Salt Creek Water Dist., sewer services, $555.00; Short Stop, fuel, $1,822.22; Summit Plumbing, services, $611.33; Valli, maintenance, $184.94, Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; WC Road & Bridge, FD fuel, $117.41, WC Weed & Pest, pesticides, $2,719.50; WC Natural Resource Dist., trees, $62.65; Woody’s, supplies, $6.39; Wy. State Lands, loan, $9,736.20.






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