Mayor Pam Gualtieri called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Council members Don Steveson, Ann McColley, Daren Downs, John Butts, Tom Voss and Tyrel Owens. Also present were, City Attorney Dublin Hughes, Police Chief Derek Thompson, Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff, and Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Gualtieri amended the agenda to add a proclamation for National Public Safety Telecommunications Week and Wyoming Refinery under Mayor/Council reports. Ann McColley moved, seconded Tyrel to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 18, 2024. MOTION CARRIED.
NOMINATIONS FOR RECOGNITION: Eileen Vickers for the donation of land for the pickleball court.
CITIZEN’S BUSINESS VERBAL: Sandy Stevens with Crook County Family Violence also known as North East Wyoming Advocacy Resource Center was present to update the Council on the organization.
CITIZEN’S BUSINESS—IN WRITING: West End Bar and Grill submitted a request for a 24-hour catering permit for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet from noon April 27, 2024, to noon April 28, 2024, at the Weston County Event Center. Tom Voss moved, seconded to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor Gualtieri read a proclamation, proclaiming April as Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.
Mayor Gualtieri read a proclamation, proclaiming the week of April 14th to April 20th, 2024 as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week.
Mayor Gualtieri stated that Shane Crawford with the Wyoming Refinery had suggested dates to meet with Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality representatives. Mayor Gualtieri will let Mr. Crawford know that May 7, 2024, is the best date.
Councilman Owens suggested updating the application for City boards. The Board Committee will meet.
Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff requested to promote Zach Lane to permanent status with a $0.50/hr. raise effective March 27, 2024, for completing the probationary period. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. He then referenced landfill equipment, possibly selling these items to the Solid Waste District once the City landfill is closed. More discussion will be had. Councilman Voss inquired about the RV dump station; underground work is done and the project should be completed next week.
Police Chief Derek Thompson reported on calls of service since March 18, 2024, to date: NPD 166, WC Sheriff 74, Upton PD 16, NVFD 2, WCFPD 17, UVFD 0, Newcastle Ambulance 7, Upton Ambulance 3. He then requested a $0.50/hr. raise for McKinzie Parrish for the competition of Field Officer Training effective March 13, 2024. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to approve this request. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Butts inquired about the surplus firearms; Chief Thompson has not contacted Matt Ramsey as of yet. Councilman Owens inquired about an officer being reimbursed for fuel; the officer had not taken a company credit card when the new vehicles were picked up.
City Attorney Dublin Hughes reported that he was given notice of a complaint that was filed by the State of Wyoming Workforce Services in the representation of Charles Bowles. The complaint was under the Wyoming Fair Employment Practices Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. He stated that he is waiting to hear if the Local Government Liability Pool will be defending the complaint or if his office will be.
Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty reminded the Council of the budget workshop on April 3, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
OLD BUSINESS: No. 1, Series 2024 which heading reads, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, third reading. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Tom Voss to pass Ordinance No. 1, Series 2024 on the third and final reading. Discussion was had regarding the Invocation. MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Hughes stated that he is still working with Bingham County on the UBC Precast suit as there are several Greg Hoskins listed. Mayor Gualtieri referenced the Joint Powers Board lease; a copy has been given to the board; tabled till the next meeting.
CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to pay the claims against the City dated April 1, 2024. Discussion was had regarding payment to Bryand Streeter. MOTION CARRIED. Moved, seconded to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Claims: 4R Graphics, decals, $478.80; Aced Embroidery, PD embroidery, $829.00; Ad-Pro, supplies, $45.51; American Business Software, maintenance, $138.00; American Water Works, membership, $412.00, Anna Lou Anderson, refund, $867.88; Black Hills Energy, services, $14,983.68; Black Hills Plumbing, services, $1,863.00; Blackburn, foundation repairs, $15,973.15; Bomgaars, supplies, $1,508.91; Butler Machinery, supplies, $303.26; Campbell Co. EMS, ambulance services, $8,333.33; CNA Surety, bond, $175.00; Derek’s Field Service, repairs, $2,756.00; Douglas Dumbrill, municipal judge/mileage, $1,091.00. Energy Lab., analysis, $132.00; Jacob Esposito, reimbursement/fuel, $208.06; Farnsworth Services, landfill drainage, $72,620.00; First Northern Bank, FD cd, $50,000.00; Foremost Promotion, FD supplies, $219.75; Pam Gualtieri, reimbursement/fuel/tickets, $1,015.36; Hughes Law, attorney fees, $3,500.00; Marco, copier lease, $449.95; Mastercard, supplies/fuel, $998.08; Minuteman, services, $87.99; Northwest Pipe Fittings, supplies, $6,881.68; Petty Cash, reimburse/filing fee, $39.00; Postmaster, postage, $391.20; Proforce Law Enforcement, supplies, $337.50; Range, phone/internet, $337.76; Rick’s Electric, services, $1,774.95; Bryand Streeter, airport wages, $1,333.33; Lucky Teigen-Grummons, FD cleaning, $300.00; Titan Machinery, supplies, $1,070.29; Uline, cabinet, $2,573.63; USA Bluebook, supplies, $1,675.80; Verizon, PW phones, $438.81, Becky Vodopich, cleaning, $300.00; Wesco, propane, $1,440.16; WC Health, PD HC collection, $40.00; WC Treasurer, handling fee, $43.12; Wilder Graphics, signs, $626.25;
Mayor Pam Gualtieri
Stacy Haggerty
(Publish April 11, 2024)