Memorial Day events planned
Walter Sprague
Art and Culture Reporter
Newcastle VFW Post No. 2516 and American Legion Post No. 3 will be holding Memorial Day events Sunday and Monday. In honor of the nation’s heroes, flags will adorn participating businesses and veterans’ graves.
On Sunday, May 24, at 1 p.m., the VFW and Legion will place flags on veterans’ graves at Greenwood Cemetery in Newcastle. Anyone who wishes to participate and help set the flags should be at the cemetery by 1 p.m. VFW Commander Stan Dixon says he is grateful for any volunteer help.
Dixon said the VFW will also be placing flags at businesses. In recognition of past support and economic hardship due to shutdowns, businesses that had a contract for a flag last year will not be charged this year, he said, and if a new business wants to participate, they may call him for details at 746-6402.
The weekend’s events will culminate with a Memorial Day celebration at Greenwood Cemetery on Monday, May 25. The event will start at 10 a.m. Dixon invites everyone to the celebration and to show their support for our armed forces and veterans. Josie Smith, age 10, will sing the National Anthem during the ceremony.
Dixon asks that all volunteers and those in attendance at the ceremony practice social distancing, per COVID-19 guidelines.