It’s time to say farewell
Hello Weston County! As I write, my time serving as the 4-H educator here is coming to a close. It is an exciting time in life, but it holds some bittersweetness. I so appreciate the well-wishes, thoughts, and words people have been sharing about the work that has been done and my upcoming adventure into marriage in June. Thank you, what an encouragement!
Feb. 11 was my final day in the office with UW Extension. The University of Wyoming and the Weston County Extension are moving forward to find the best candidate to be the new educator. Interviews for selected candidates will be held Feb. 18. As we prepare to welcome a new educator, I would encourage you all to remember a few things. One is that this program is not made up of one person doing one job. The success of a 4-H program does not rest solely on the performance and work of one individual, but the collaboration of the members, leaders, volunteers, and those who make up the community. 4-H is alive and well in Weston County because of all the people who have a passion to see it succeed. I am confident this will continue as we have a shift in leadership.
Also, please remember to be encouraging and patient as the new person experiences the learning curve of this position and you all navigate the challenges of having a new employee. Do not assume he/she is familiar with how 4-H operates here, as every county and every state is different. This county’s volunteers are good at reaching out, introducing themselves, and providing helpful tips or information. I was very thankful for this and know a new educator will be, too. Try to be respectful of established deadlines (haha) for the new person. He/she will not know what your life is like or have the relationship with you to know why you missed it.
Boy what a journey it has been! Four years ago, I accepted this position knowing it was only by the grace of God it was even an option for me at the time. As I reflect on the time spent in this position, words are not coming easy to describe exactly what I’d like to say to you all, but I will try.
One word that keeps resurfacing in my mind is grateful. I am so grateful to have been able to serve in this position. Any work that is done to improve or enhance the life of another is well worth it, and 4-H is all about providing amazing experiences and lessons for youth and their families. I’m grateful for this community made up of the unique people who make this a wonderful place to call home.
People are surely the most important part of any work or job, and the people here as well as in UW Extension have been a joy to work with. For anyone who challenged me, helped me or the program, or served with me, thank you. I am grateful for the growth in myself as a person. In a position such as this, I don’t think a person can help but grow and learn, and if you aren’t, I would question your motives. Being grateful is one of my main attitudes moving forward, and I cannot express it enough and what this job and all of you have meant to me. I will carry the lessons taught during this time through life, and I am a better person because of them.
A little on what is next for me. Although my time with Extension concludes in February, I will still be working with my family, wedding planning, and preparing to move. Charlie Hall and I are getting married in June, then I will join him in Nevada where he currently lives and works. It was my desire to try to give a new person the time in February/March to adjust and get their feet under them before the busyness of summer. I hope to still see many of you at the gymkhanas and other community events until I move in June and serve as a resource for our new person. Please keep in touch, and I will be seeing you!