If I Were Satan

If I were Satan, I would do everything in my power to keep people from God's truth. I would lead them into compromise, distract them from Scripture, and fill churches with lukewarm pastors who do not preach the full gospel.
If I were Satan, my greatest goal would be to keep people from knowing the truth. I would do everything in my power to stop them from coming to Christ, and if they did, I would make sure they never grew strong in their faith. The Bible is the very voice of God, revealing His will, His promises, and His commands. It has the power to convict, correct, and transform lives. If I were Satan, I would keep people from engaging with Scripture, weakening their faith, distorting their beliefs, and leading them into compromise.
If I were Satan, I would convince people that the Bible is outdated, that it doesn’t apply to modern life, and that it’s not necessary for spiritual growth. I would whisper that they can get by on occasional sermons, worship music, or devotional books instead of reading Scripture for themselves. Little by little, I would make them feel like time in the Bible isn’t essential, and I would fill their lives with distractions that keep them from opening it. I wouldn’t need to turn people against the Bible—I would just make sure they never made it a priority.
I would work to get believers to compromise. I wouldn’t deny the Bible outright—I’d twist it. I’d take God’s commands and make them seem too strict, too unloving, or too outdated for today’s world. I’d encourage people to pick and choose the parts of Scripture they like while ignoring the ones that challenge them. I would do what I did in the Garden of Eden, planting doubt by making them question what God really said. I would convince them that they could still follow God while ignoring His commands.
If I were Satan, I would put pastors in charge of churches who are not called by God. I would make sure they were lukewarm, more concerned with pleasing people than preaching truth. I would fill pulpits with men who water down the gospel, who speak what people want to hear rather than what they need to hear. I would lead churches to focus on entertainment and emotions rather than repentance and holiness. If the church was no longer a place of conviction but a place of comfort, I would have already won half the battle.
I would convince people that the Bible is too hard to understand, that it is full of contradictions, or that only pastors and scholars can truly grasp it. I would discourage them when they struggle with a passage, making them feel unqualified to study on their own. I would lead them to believe that God’s Word is meant to be interpreted according to their own opinions rather than taken as absolute truth.
I would make sure that every form of entertainment, including movies, TV, and social media, was more exciting than Scripture. I would convince people that reading the Bible is dull and irrelevant, so they would approach it with reluctance instead of eagerness. I would remind them of all the things they need to do first, so by the time they finally sit down to read, they are too exhausted to focus.
I would replace the truth of God’s Word with subtle distortions. I would turn the Bible into a book of self-help advice rather than the authoritative Word of God. I would fill the world with messages that focus only on love and blessings while ignoring repentance, obedience, and holiness. I would lead people to believe that truth is whatever feels right to them. If I could get them to compromise just a little, they would eventually compromise completely.
But God has given His people everything they need to resist me. If they prioritize the Word, if they refuse to compromise, if they test everything against Scripture, then my schemes will fail. The Bible is a weapon that cannot be defeated. If they cling to it, study it, and stand firm, they will overcome.
“What I write is not for everyone, but what I write is meant for someone.”
I am the author of two books: Embracing God's Wisdom: A Journey of Faith and Reflection and Embracing God’s Wisdom: Paul’s Commands for Victorious Living. Both are available on Amazon.
I’d love to hear how this post spoke to you. Have you experienced anything similar in your walk with God? Feel free to share. Let’s encourage one another in faith! Please reach out at: hopeinchrist2024@yahoo.com
I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. (1 Timothy 1:12)