Home Place Realty, Kacy Botkin

2891 W Main Newcastle, WY 82701, Cell (307) 941-2575
Sales Agent Kacy Botkin, with Home Place Realty, is a professional real estate agent who is here
to help you in buying or selling your home or business. She is a long-standing member of the community
with a love for Wyoming, Weston County and the Black Hills. She is knowledgeable of the area and when representing you as the seller or buyer she puts you first, keeping you informed throughout the entire process and working hard to ensure you feel comfortable and knowledgeable.
If required, she can connect you to the service professionals you need to get things done and help answer your questions. Feel free to call if you’re thinking about listing to get a free market analysis of your property’s value, or if you need help searching for your next home, land or business. Current listings can be viewed at homeplaceusa.com or by contacting Kacy at kacybotkinrealtor@ gmail.com.