Guidelines expanded, Wyoming WIC available to more families

The Wyoming WIC Program recently updated its income guidelines to expand eligibility for free nutritious food and education, breast feeding support and health care referrals to more families across Wyoming, according to a June 27 press release from the Wyoming Department of Health.
“The Wyoming WIC Program features free, easy-to-use benefit cards participants can take to local stores to get nutritious foods at no cost,” the release says. “Some WIC families are also eligible for infant formula benefits. WIC is aimed at helping women who are pregnant or new moms, infants and children up to age 5.”
WIC is officially known as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children Program and it is a joint federal and state government effort overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. On the state level, Wyoming’s WIC program is operated by the Wyoming Department of Health.
According to Tina Fearneyhough, WIC program manager for the Health Department, WIC services can “significantly improve participant health while also helping people feed their families during a key period of child development.”
Families already using SNAP, TANF or Wyoming Medicaid benefits will also qualify for WIC.
“Our income guidelines are adjusted each year. Our new guidelines may help a few more families to be eligible for WIC benefits,” Fearneyhough said in the release.
The program has also launched efforts to modernize and make the program more readily available to participating families.
“We now offer virtual appointments to our WIC participants if needed or requested and have developed consistent digital resources our staff can use to help WIC families,” Fearneyhough said in the release. “Later this year we will offer new cards with enhanced, user-friendly technology and we think participants will like the upgrade.”
The release notes that WIC is not just available to moms but to all caregivers of young children, including dads, foster parents, guardians, grandparents and step-parents. Wyoming residents can apply for benefits by visiting
Clinics throughout the state can be found by using the “Clinic Locator” online at or by calling 1-888-996-9378.
Weston County’s WIC office is located at 400 Stampede St. and can be reached by calling 307-746-2677.
WIC Eligibility
Wyoming WIC is available to families with incomes up to 185% of the federal poverty income guidelines. As of July 1, qualifying incomes are as follows:
• 1 person family $27,861/year or $2,322/month
• 2 person family $37,814/year or $3,152/month
• 3 person family $47,767/year or $3,981/month
• 4 person family $57,720/year or $4,810/month
• 5 person family $67,673/year or $5,640/month