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Garth Brooks to play Cheyenne Frontier Days in 2021

Niki Kottmann with the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, from the Wyoming News Exchange

Garth Brooks to play Cheyenne Frontier Days in 2021
By Niki Kottmann
Wyoming Tribune Eagle
Via Wyoming News Exchange
CHEYENNE — Cheyenne Frontier Days Foundation launched a new campaign Wednesday to ensure the 125th anniversary of the “Daddy of ’em All” is better than ever, and in doing so, announced one of the headliners for next year’s Frontier Nights.
During a video interview about the year-long 365 to 125 Campaign, Contract Acts Committee Chairman Randy Krafft announced that Garth Brooks will be performing at Cheyenne Frontier Days during next summer’s event, which is scheduled for July 23-Aug. 1, 2021.
“Folks, we’ve been waiting for it for years – Garth Brooks is coming back to Cheyenne,” Krafft said in a clip attached to the foundation’s news release. He added that tickets aren’t on sale yet, but as soon as they are, CFD will make an announcement online.
“Hey Cheyenne, Garth Brooks here. Proud to say I cannot wait to see you for the 125th,” Brooks said in another video, adding that he carries his 100th anniversary buckle everywhere he goes and looks forward to adding a 125th buckle to his collection. “Thanks for giving me some of the best memories of my life ... to come.”
Brooks also mentioned one of his favorite CFD memories is when he got to play with Chris LeDoux, whose pivotal role in both the country music and rodeo worlds will be honored with a bronze statue that will be added to the sculpture collection at Frontier Park for the 125th anniversary of CFD. 
The piece of art will be sculpted by D. Michael Thomas from Buffalo, Wyoming, and funds raised from the foundation’s 365 to 125 Campaign will be split between the sculpture initiative and plans to refurbish Barn 15 to house CFD’s world-class carriage collection.
These rolling pieces of history are displayed in the CFD Old West Museum galleries until they are used in the Grand Parades in July, the release noted, and improvements to Barn 15 will allow the carriages to be stored in a protected environment, out of the elements, between parade runs.
“I was on the General Committee in the late 1990s, and we were talking about the carriages even then,” said Roger Schreiner, CFD Foundation chairman. “We had a hailstorm that damaged some of the carriages, and it took a year to get them fixed, so this is something CFD has wanted to do for years and years, and it’s really exciting to put together a plan to get that accomplished.”
Schreiner added that he knows so many other local organizations are also in need of donations right now, but he hopes people will consider donating to the 365 to 125 Campaign because every donation will be matched through a challenge grant of $200,000. Donations will go toward the two previously mentioned initiatives, all while honoring the Western lifestyle.
“Frontier Days is a very special part of living in Cheyenne,” he said. “That preserving of the Western heritage … is something personally I think we need to continue to impress upon each new generation, how important it is to live your life like we used to in the Wild West.”

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