Don't forget your civic duties
In a time when COVID-19 rules everything we see, from the news to our social media feeds everything is pandemic. Despite the hault to normal life for a large percentage of the population, normal life continues on outside of the safety of our homes and the 2020 elections are still on schedule.
The first opportunity for Weston County residents to cast their vote will happen on May 5, unless you have chosen to use the absentee voting process. We highly encourage anyone who does not want to risk infection to contact the Weston County Museum District and Weston County Health Services for help with absentee voting.
For those who choose to venture to the polls remember that the Weston County Museum District will only have one polling location at the Upton Community Center. Voting can also be done there for the Weston County Health Services Board of Trustees as well as at the Kitty Moats complex in Osage and the Weston County Library in Newcastle.
Polls will be open on May 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for both the hospital district and museum district elections.
While we are on the topic of continuing to do your civic duties while the world seems to be slowly spinning around us we can’t forget to mention the 2020 census. With economic uncertainty for the forseeable future it is cruicial to guarantee that everyone in Weston County is accurately represented for the next 10 years!