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COVID-19 deaths are tragic

Leonard Lang

COVID-19 deaths 
are tragic
Dear Editor,
To say that a COVID-19 death is no more or less tragic than other deaths is like saying that the death of a 9-year-old child being killed by an amoral drunk driver is no more tragic than a 90-year-old dying of old age. Being killed by a drunk driver is obviously more tragic and appalling because it was preventable! And the same is true for many of the deaths taking place during this pandemic. They were preventable; but people are now dead because of the carelessness or indifference of others (or themselves) who refused to take reasonable and appropriate preventative measures just because they were a little inconvenient or uncomfortable. 
Yes, life must go on, but not always in exactly the same way it did before if in Christian love we have a concern for the health and safety of those around me. 
In the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan, did the priest and the Levite who refused to help the man beaten by robbers have “good” logical reasons for their decision not to get involved? Sure they did. The robbers could still be around and looking for more victims; so their own safety was at risk if they stopped to help. And also it would cost them their time, money and effort to give the man their assistance. 
Sadly, inspired by the natural selfishness we’re all born with, there will always be some excuse that sounds intelligent and reasonable that we can offer to justify our indifference to and lack of concern for the needs of others. True Christian love put into action will always cost us something: our time, our money, our “rights,” our effort or our convenience.
Sure, no medicine or safety measure such as antibiotics or seat belts is completely 100% guaranteed to be effective. Yet, we continue to use them all the time because they put the odds in our favor. And the same can be said for the wearing of masks which, for the most part, stop the transmission of the virus at its very source — our mouth and nose. 
Reasonable people understand that even though masks may not be absolutely perfect in preventing the spread of this disease, they’re the best we currently have available. 
So out of consideration and concern for the well-being of others (and also ourselves), wearing a mask whenever required or even advisable is the smart, right and moral thing to do despite the minor inconvenience that may be involved.
— For a better world,
Leonard Lang

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