Congrats class of 2020, you did it!
ongratulations to the Newcastle High School Class of 2020! Despite the upheaval of the last months of your high school career, you have done it. After walking on the stage in front of your families and receiving the piece of paper you have been working the last 13 years for, it is an important milestone.
We want to commend the gracious attitudes we witnessed Sunday as the graduating class embraced the world of social distancing with smiles on their faces. Graduating without the handshakes, hugs, and pats on the back from those who have supported and encouraged these graduates throughout their a, we know it must have been
difficult but kudos for remaining positive.
While your graduation may have not been traditional, it was fantastic to watch the staff and teachers within the district come together to make sure the experience could be something worth remembering. The class of 2020 will go down in NHS history as the first class to graduate in their cars, with their families right by their sides and the teachers and staff surrounding them.
As a gift for your achievement, the News Letter Journal is extending the offer for a free online one year subscription to any graduating senior. All you have to do is send your email to and an account will be set up allowing you access to all your hometown news, even if you leave town and continue with your future.
Recognizing that the ceremony celebrating your success as a student at NHS was far from normal or traditional, and that this affected the ability for families to properly photograph the achievement of their students, we would also like to provide the ability to check out all of our graduation photos online for free at Any of the pictures seen on the website, of graduation or any other event, are also available for purchase by contacting us here at the News Letter Journal office.
Once again, congratulations to the Class of 2020! You did it.