City Council Election: Karl Lacey
NLJ: Please tell us why you want to hold this office, and what you intend to accomplish if elected. Please be specific about your goals and objectives, so our readers can measure your progress over the course of the term. Also tell us what qualifications and characteristics you possess that will help ensure that your stated goals can be achieved. (The same question was posed to all candidates for the General Election.)
I am running for a seat on the Newcastle City Council because I believe it’s time for a change in way the council operates. I have lived in Newcastle for 38 years and in that time we still have the same problems with our streets, sewers and other issues. There are council members with multiple terms and we get the same results. We need new ideas instead of doing things the way they have always been done. Instead of looking to other towns our size in Wyoming to see what they do and adopt it here, we need to find what fits Newcastle and use it. I would bring fresh ideas and much-needed changes.
I have talked with people in town about the cost of water and sewer, building permits, city ordinances and how they are positively or negatively affected by them. Most say it is cost and sometimes interferes with their private property rights. When there is a rate increase and the reason is because they haven’t been raised in years is not reason enough, the council should list what cost and expenditures there are to justify the increase. Raising rates or taxes to support spending is not fiscally responsible. I would like to see a reasonable budget and control of needless spending. I am a conservative and believe we should have no more government than we absolutely need.
We have seen streets blocked off for weeks without work being done. City projects should be better planned so all the need money, materials and contractors will be ready to work until the job can completed without interruptions. I understand unforeseen problems come up, but they need to be taken care of as soon as possible. Making sure all city projects are necessary and completed properly is one of my priorities.
A few of my qualifications are: As a lead man and shop supervisor at Jacobs Ranch Mine for four years I was involved in planning equipment maintenance and the use of available manpower requirements to get the job done. My duties included scheduling times to do the repairs and ordering needed parts, and following up the orders to ensure what was ordered would be delivered on time. I supervised employees and addressed any issues that came up during the shift. I have a common sense approach to problems and ideas that work.
I would appreciate your vote Tuesday, Nov. 6, and will work hard for the citizens of Newcastle. Thank you.