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Year starts off busy for local FFA

NLJ Staff

Peyton Crinklaw
FFA Historian
Our local FFA chapter works hard everyday to promote ag, help the community, and encourage members to be a better person. As a reward, Ms. Rieniets schedules a trip to a stock show, either the National Western Stock Show or the Black Hills Stock Show. This year, our chapter traveled to the Black Hills Stock Show on Jan. 29. 
The group left early in the morning and spent the day exploring. This trip is not only to reward our members, but to keep members involved and informed about current agriculture practices. While in Rapid City, the students were required to interview another agriculturalist about his or her product. These agriculturalists range from bee keepers and honey producers to fence manufacturers. Each student interviewed a different agriculturalist and videoed it to show the larger group. The members who participated were able to get a better grasp on what agriculture includes. This trip also was a way to find interests for upcoming Career Development Events (CDE).
Jan. 14 started the FFA’s busiest part of the year. We have started our CDE practices and are preparing for upcoming contests. On Feb. 12 the Saddle and Sirloin Chapter held the annual local speech contest. 
From there, the FFA chapter moved into FFA week. FFA week, which is Feb. 16–23 this year, is intended to honor what FFA is and how it affects the lives of upcoming agriculturalists. During this period, our chapter will host many events focusing on our school community. These events include a relay race and our teacher appreciation breakfast. In March, the chapter will begin competing in CDE competitions. 
Results from Agriscience Fair, Veterinary Science, Proficiencies, Livestock, Mechanics, and more will be provided in the weeks to come.

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