Wyoming News Exchange
Baby born at 9:19 on 9/19/19
By Ashley Detrick
Gillette News Record
Via Wyoming News Exchange
GILLETTE — On Jan. 9 this year, Jackie Franco was married to Christopher Franco. That’s 1/9/19.
Ten days later, on Jan. 19 — 1/19/19 — she found out she was pregnant.
Fast forward exactly eight months and Vedda Rose Franco was born at 9:19 a.m. Sept. 19, 2019, weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce. She was 19.19 inches long.
The couple expected to be induced that day but arrived at the hospital at midnight when Jackie started having contractions.
Labor continued through the morning until she felt the urge to push at 8:30 a.m. but the doctor was still in surgery at the time. He finally arrived in the room at 9:13 a.m. saying she needed to wait to push.
“He came in at 9:13 (and) said we had 6 minutes to push and get her out. I was like, ‘Why?’ And he said, ‘To have a baby at 9:19,’” Jackie said.
That’s not what a mother wants to hear in the middle of labor, but Jackie waited and four big pushes later, Vedda was born.
At the time, it was just neat to be able to note that her birth day was 9/19/19 at 9:19 a.m. But when her length also happened to reflect the number 19, everyone was a little shocked.
Many people who study numerology refer to the number 19 as both a starter and a finisher.
The number appears in the Bible several times in many different references and even in other religions.
No. 19 is an auspicious number associated with success, determination and honor and also joy and happiness.
Jackie and Christopher haven’t been able to see how well this fits the barely month-old child. But so far, she is quiet — at least until she is hungry.
“She is more alert every day,” Jackie said.
They named her in part after the character from the movie “My Girl” but changed the spelling.
Pretty apropos, the name Veda (slightly different spelling) means knowledge or wisdom, according to Nameberry.com.
The Vedas are also the name of the most sacred books of Hinduism.
For now, Vedda is being doted on by her older half-brother and stepsister.
“This is crazy, but we are also just really excited she is happy and healthy and here,” Jackie said.
From now on, she’ll be paying closer attention to the numbers, especially No. 19 for her daughter.