Why spend so much?
Why spend so much?
Dear Editor,
Regarding replacement of the overpass over the railroad south of Newcastle, I must be missing something. Why would we consider spending nearly 4 million dollars to replace or about 1 million to build a substitute for a bridge which has become obsolete and has no defined purpose. There are several houses which are served by the old highway coming from town. The road could be upgraded when necessary for much less money. The other end of the bridge is only a short distance from the road which serves the landfill and connects to highway 85. This road serves the landfill and the ranching community. lf there is a question of the residents having a second access to town, there are many ranches in the county which are served by single roads. If access is the big issue an emergency crossing of the railroad could be constructed with the road blocked to traffic. There are other instances of such crossings. The state and the county are very short on money and it may get worse in the future. We have numerous projects at present which are short on funds and are sure to have other instances in the future which are more demanding of money.
Don Thorson