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Why I No Longer Call Myself a Christian

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Why has Christianity become so distorted? This post exposes the truth about following Jesus, the dangers of prosperity preachers, and the need for believers to return to the simplicity of true discipleship and faith in Christ. Explore biblical truths shared by guest contributors, Greg and Amanda, on the blog. Their insights will enrich any believer’s life and deepen your faith.
Greg and Amanda Foster

I am so frustrated with “Christianity” lately. In fact, I don’t even like to call myself a Christian anymore. Why? Because what does that even mean? Everyone claims it but most don’t understand what it means to follow Christ. The Bible warns about people teaching a different Jesus, a different gospel. What it means to follow Christ is dying to self daily, enduring suffering as He did, being persecuted, mocked, and hated by the world because the world is dark. It also means we will be abundantly blessed, IF we repent and turn when we sin. (That part is always left out of the charismatic)

Satan promised Jesus he could have all the kingdoms of this world if he would just worship him, but he refused. That is why you can’t even watch a movie without a pornographic scene, and why every “entertainment” show is demonic. Satan is the Prince of the power of the air (Airwaves) working through the sons of disobedience. There are many health, wealth, and prosperity “Celebrity Preachers” telling you the opposite of these things, while sprinkling in enough Jesus so you believe them. They are wolves guilting you to give, saying you and your family will be under a curse if you don’t. Meanwhile living lavishly on the backs of hard working people who are manipulated to give, this is pure evil. (Yes we are to give but not out of manipulation or compulsion) In old times they all contributed their goods and helped one another, now who in the congregation gets help? I think of it like the government, we all have to give, but get nothing in return. Like my husband says, it has become a legal Ponzi scheme. It has been reported that 5% of Daystars 200 million dollar ministry went towards outreach….that leaves me speechless! 

In these Churches most aren’t even allowed to talk to the Pastors because they have been put on a pedestal. As a Pastor you should be characterized as being a servant over being served. I never saw this before, but I’m starting to see many of these Churches as cult-like. That is why they are being exposed. Cult like behavior includes, idolizing a man over Jesus, the leader having absolute power over the members lives, the leader has no accountability, there is no tolerance for questions or criticism, the leaders are usually charismatic and good at convincing people to listen to them, they often display narcissistic behavior, they oppose critical thinking, the man at the top gets rich, and they invent new doctrines. If you notice when these people get exposed it’s usually from sexual sin, which is exactly what happens in all cults. If you feel these people shouldn’t be exposed, you don’t know what the Bible says about it.

There are so many denominations and religions, but there is only one Jesus. Why has following Jesus become so convoluted? Why isn’t he enough? People always want more, new, exciting, chasing the gifts over the one who gives them. Just think about people who only want you for what you can do for them, over just for who you are. This is what I see almost everywhere lately. I think the enemy tries hard to confuse people so they turn from it because they don’t know which religion is “right”.  Please just get back to the simplicity of your first love which is Jesus, and follow His peace.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30)


Greg and Amanda Foster run a YouTube channel titled "Greg and Amanda", where they share powerful biblical truths designed to inspire and deepen the faith of every believer, enriching their spiritual journey.

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