We welcome your help to preserve our history
Dear Editor,
The Weston County Historical Society is alive and well and pursuing our goals and events for the year. As we presented to the museum board some time ago, we hope to obtain a structure for a “Toomey Mill Sifter”
and freight or sheep wagon or perhaps a sleigh by Tom Lallatin.
We wanted to depict our oil industry and horse drawn machinery. These are being pursued, but our foremost concern is for a home for the “Mill” equipment. Our plan is to memorialize this 1905-1965 business with pictures, stories and a video. If you are not aware, the Society valiantly tried to save a part of the original structure down at the Main and Stampede corner, but were unsuccessful.
We have formed a committee and all proposals to solve the “Mill” structure will be considered. If you have an idea, or know of a structure that could be moved to the grounds, please send it to Box 246, Newcastle or any Historical Society member. We will be meeting with the museum board on June 6 for further discussion and the solution will be approved by both boards.
We discussed at our last meeting the subject of the historical society, its programs and events and how they were to the public’s interest. We work hard on research, planning programs and acquiring items that will be of interest to the public. We have tried to promote our activities in every way we can think of and then so many times people will say, “I didn’t know about that or I would have attended.”
If you are interested you can join the Weston County Historical Society for $15, receive our Quarterly “Bridge to the Past” and for $50 and receive our Quarterly and the Annals of Wyoming as well. The address is PO Box 246 in Newcastle.
How many Weston County residents are interested or care one way another about the history we strive to pursue? If we ask for a show of hands, how many hands would go up? How many would be willing to support our efforts by joining, researching, volunteering and helping monetarily if asked — and last but not least attend our events?
On May 4, 2019 at 1 p.m. there is an event at the Dogie Theatre. There is a bus trek through Upton area, and two annual picnics, just to name a couple of events. We attract people who were involved in the topic, but don’t attract people who just want to know about the subject of the day. What we are asking is if all our efforts are for naught at present, and what can should do to improve?
The Weston County Historic Preservation Board is facing difficulties as well. Their main issue at present is saving the loosening stone at the junction of Wentworth and Summit. I’m sure that most are aware those three pattern stones which were on so many buildings were quarried up north, which makes them special too.
We invite your thoughts.
—Maxine Kaul
Weston County Historical Society President