We have to pay taxes to pay our bills
Dear Editor,
No matter which population or country, there always seems to arise disagreement, sometimes heated, about the distribution of benefits and the imposition of taxes. It is no different here.
We need to be careful to apply common sense. Greece did not! Spending was fairly easy for the legislators. Raising taxes was not. The result was that they spent themselves into virtual bankruptcy.
Business — and even just living — in “low tax Greece” is a big problem for everybody. We should have been warned by their example. We were not.
Our national debt is nearing astronomical. One of the big reasons is that the captains of business and industry and other high income citizens have had their favorite politicians write laws that excused them from paying taxes. That sure reduces the income of our government!
Those “favorite politicians” manage to reduce their own tax burden in a similar fashion. All of this tax reduction and exemptions reduces the ability of the government to pay the bills. Whatever the shortfall is gets added to the national debt.
The national debt is what we the people owe and will have to pay. Did you notice that the bills get removed from the responsibility of the plutocrats and added to our responsibility? Sweet deal for them, sour deal for us.
And, we voted them into office, some more than once.
—Jerry Baird