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We are all soldiers for Christ

Dean Butler

What kind of soldier am I?

2 Timothy 2:4, “No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.”

There are a few questions we must ask ourselves when we read this verse:

1. Am I a soldier for Christ?

2. Have I allowed my life to be entangled in the world?

3. Am I living a life pleasing to God?

In his second letter to Timothy Paul characterizes believers as soldiers.

If we as believers want to be effective as soldiers for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we must heed this crucial instruction Paul gives us.

First, we should not entangle ourselves in everyday life. Sure we all have to continue with our lives.

However, believers must not let our struggles to make a living and take care of our families weigh us down to the point of becoming ineffectual in doing God’s will in our lives.

Second, it is important to maintain perspective and prioritize the various aspects of our lives, our relationship with the Lord being paramount.

Paul teaches this so that we as believers understand that pleasing the one who enlisted us as soldiers should be our top priority. Isn’t pleasing God the ultimate goal?

Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”


Fifty years ago, I committed my life to serving the Lord. I hold an associate’s degree in Christian Education and a bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling. In my retirement, I focus on studying and sharing the teachings of God’s Word with others. I maintain 3 Facebook pages dedicated to spreading the Word of God.

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