We all have heroes in our own lives
Dear Editor,
While I firmly support those selected as Person of the Year, I believe there are a number of “unsung heroes” out there. I personally would like to mention at least two.
About a month ago I went with my pickup full of trash to the city dump. As I was just starting to try to unload the trash I slipped and fell on the frozen earth. As I have some mobility issues, I was just starting to think on how to get up, when two gentlemen drove up to unload their trash. They immediately lifted me up to my feet and emptied my trash for me. Talk about Good Samaritans!
The second hero is my neighbor, Brian Mefford. The recent snowfall of eight inches of snow started to make me worry about getting out when all of a sudden Brian plowed my drive and driveway. This is not the first time he has done this. He has been doing this for years for all our neighbors up here. Its just something he does for everyone.
There are many other “unsung heroes” out there that I am sure many can thank for their good deeds. Thanks for all you heroes out there.
—Barry Peterson